The western United States’ sagebrush country encompasses over 175 million acres of public and private lands.

Sagebrush country contains biological, cultural and economic resources of national significance. America’s sagebrush ecosystem is the largest contiguous ecotype in the continental United States, comprising one-third of the land mass of the continental lower 48. This landscape provides many benefits to our rural economies and communities, and it serves as crucial habitat for a diversity of wildlife, including the iconic greater sage-grouse and over 350 other species.

What We Do

Our Projects and Initiatives

For many years, the Fish and Wildlife Service has been conducting research, collaborating with partners, and supporting a landscape-wide conservation strategy to support a healthy sagebrush sagebrush
The western United States’ sagebrush country encompasses over 175 million acres of public and private lands. The sagebrush landscape provides many benefits to our rural economies and communities, and it serves as crucial habitat for a diversity of wildlife, including the iconic greater sage-grouse and over 350 other species.

Learn more about sagebrush
ecosystem in the west.

Starting in FY22, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) is a once-in-a-generation investment in the nation’s infrastructure and economic competitiveness. We were directly appropriated $455 million over five years in BIL funds for programs related to the President’s America the Beautiful initiative.

Learn more about Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
(BIL) has committed $10 million per year ($50 million over 5 years) to the Service to expand work with partners to restore and conserve strategic areas within the sagebrush ecosystem. These funds build on existing collaborative efforts by the Service and our public and private partners to conserve the sagebrush ecosystem and the significant biological, cultural, and economic resources it supports. These projects will combat invasive grasses and wildfire, reduce encroaching conifers, safeguard precious water resources for neighboring communities and wildlife, and promote community and economic sustainability. Read more about the Director's Priorities and BIL initiative: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funds Proven Projects for Wildlife

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The Grassland & Sagebrush Conservation Portal is an ArcGIS Online platform that provides access to maps, apps, data, documents, and other resources for practitioners working in grassland and sagebrush biomes.  

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Work With Us

We work alongside other agencies, partners, non-profits, Tribes, landowners, programs, and the public to strategize, fund, and collaborate on sagebrush sagebrush
The western United States’ sagebrush country encompasses over 175 million acres of public and private lands. The sagebrush landscape provides many benefits to our rural economies and communities, and it serves as crucial habitat for a diversity of wildlife, including the iconic greater sage-grouse and over 350 other species.

Learn more about sagebrush
conservation. Individual state fish and wildlife agencies have been, and continue to be, central to the implementation of work in sagebrush.  

The Sagebrush Ecosystem is one of several programs that is receiving investments from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) is a once-in-a-generation investment in the nation’s infrastructure and economic competitiveness. We were directly appropriated $455 million over five years in BIL funds for programs related to the President’s America the Beautiful initiative.

Learn more about Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
that helps local, state, and Tribal communities tackle the climate crisis and environmental restoration needs while advancing environmental justice, creating jobs, and boosting local economies.    

Projects and Research

Sagebrush ecosystem projects with funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) is a once-in-a-generation investment in the nation’s infrastructure and economic competitiveness. We were directly appropriated $455 million over five years in BIL funds for programs related to the President’s America the Beautiful initiative.

Learn more about Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Project Name  Location  FY22 Funding FY23 FundingFY24 Funding
Addressing Invasive Annual Grass in Sage-Grouse Core Areas in IdahoID  492,000   328,000150,146
Idaho Mesic Rangeland Resources Enhancement: A Statewide Strategy to Increase the Pace and Scale of Delivery  ID  120,000   80,000202,122
Idaho Conifer Treatments; Increasing the Pace and Scale of Regional Landscape Strategies  ID  144,000   96,00075,000
Upper Snake Sagebrush Steppe Enhancement  ID  183,148   156,852N/A
Southeast Idaho Sagebrush Steppe Enhancement  ID  52,131   N/AN/A
Supporting Shoshone Paiute and Shoshone Bannock Tribal Partnerships in the Sagebrush SteppeIDN/AN/A99,000
Supporting the Candidate Conservation Agreement on Idaho National Laboratory Partnerships in the Sagebrush SteppeIDN/AN/A121,000
Supporting Sagebrush Core Area Recovery Through Disturbance Response IDN/AN/A45,000
Oregon Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances Initiative to Protect and Enhance Sagebrush Ecosystems on Private Lands  OR  250,000   250,000125,000
Assessing, Protecting, and Restoring Mesic Habitats in the Pueblo and Trout Creek Mountains  OR  360,000   N/AN/A
Southeastern Oregon Collaboration to Address Primary Threats to Sagebrush Landscapes  OR  119,200   119,200171,190
Barbwire Juniper Removal ProjectOR  120,039   120,039150,000
Burns-Paiute Tribe Jonsboro Upland Native Plant Restoration  OR  56,142   N/AN/A
Completing Removal of Encroaching Juniper from the Lower Guano Creek Area on Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge  OR  114,000   143,858N/A
Survey of Bombus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and DNA Barcoding of Sagebrush Biome Wild Bees in Southeast OregonORN/A57,000N/A
Baker Sage-Grouse Landscape Implementation Team Initiative to Enhance Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat in Northeastern OregonORN/AN/A100,000
Increasing Native Seed Collection and Storage Capacity for Restoration of Core Sagebrush Areas in Central OregonORN/AN/A140,303
Developing Stream Crossing Reclamation Plans for Degraded Crossings of Springbrooks through Wet Meadows in Completed Juniper Control Areas on Hart Mountain National Antelope RefugeORN/AN/A15,000
Easement Support for Sage Grouse Habitat Protection WA 186,000 N/AN/A
Process-Based Stream Restoration in Smith Draw  WA  31,515   N/AN/A
Moses Coulee Post-Fire Sage-Steppe Restoration: Phase II   WA  183,323N/AN/A
Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit RecoveryWAN/A209,100N/A
Post-Fire Restoration of Stream and Riparian Habitat Condition on East Foster Creek Douglas County, WashingtonWAN/A100,000N/A
Washington Shrub-steppe Restoration and Resiliency Initiative: Defining Shared Spatial Priorities  WA175,000N/AN/A
Shrub-Steppe Restoration for Fire and Climate Resilience on Hanford Reach National MonumentWAN/A93,786N/A
Shrub-Steppe Restoration and Monitoring on Hanford Reach National Monument WAN/AN/A185,000
Beaver-Powered Restoration in Rock Island Creek Watershed WAN/AN/A51,874
Sagebrush Upland Improvement and Riparian Restoration in Douglas County, Washington WAN/AN/A165,000
Low-tech Process-Based Restoration in Streams and Meadows of Douglas County Wildlife Areas in WashingtonWAN/AN/A86,042
Restoration of Stream and Riparian Habitat Conditions in Douglas County, Washington WAN/AN/A76,093
Restoration of Native Sagebrush Habitats from Cheatgrass Invasion in Northwestern Colorado (Phase 1)  CO  230,926   230,926N/A
Gunnison Basin Cheatgrass Implementation ProjectCO  398,139   395,337N/A
Gunnison Sage-grouse Prioritizing Restoration of Sagebrush Ecosystems Tool (PReSET)CON/A188,726N/A
Restoration of San Luis Valley Mesic Habitat at Poncha PassCON/AN/A185,486
San Miguel Basin Wet Meadow Restoration Project CON/AN/A261,216
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Wet Meadow Restoration and Fence Removal, Inventory and Modification Work in Northwest ColoradoCON/AN/A151,800
Conway Ranch Wet Meadow Enhancement ProjectCAN/A82,000N/A
Sage-Grouse Habitat Restoration through Wild Horse ManagementCAN/A150,000N/A
Bi-State Sagebrush Ecosystem Enhancement ProjectCAN/A250,000N/A
Bodie Hills Sagebrush Ecosystem Enhancement ProjectCA  N/A   N/A212,268
SW Montana Sage Steppe Resiliency Project  MT  437,185   468,508348,857 
Sagebrush Conservation in Montana's Northern Great Plains and Musselshell PlainMT 309,218431,504210,000
Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances in Montana's Northern Great Plains and Musselshell PlainsMT 120,26397,977134,930
Assessing Traditional and Emerging Grazing Strategies for Creating a Mosaic of Diverse Habitat Patches for Sagebrush Associated Birds  MT119,682   100,318N/A
Pre- and Post- Treatment Impacts of Japanese Brome Treatment on Pollinators in Sagebrush RangelandMTN/A95,000N/A
Managing Sage-Steppe on Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge MTN/A31,323N/A
Ranch and Climate Resilience on the Northern Great PlainsMTN/AN/A477,085
Fort Belknap Indian Community Buffalo Program Restoration and Grazing SystemMTN/AN/A150,000
Utah: Climate Resilience Projects for Mesic Habitat Restoration and Enhancements  UT  475,453232,39875,000
Utah: Conifer Treatment Projects for Upland Habitat Restoration and Enhancements   UT  461,271  250,000812,952
Wyoming Collaborative Sage-Steppe Mesic Habitat Restoration  WY  250,000   370,000N/A
Wyoming Invasive Annual Grass Management Collaborative WY  750,000   630,000584,763
Seedskadee NWR Virtual Fence Rangeland Health WYN/A52,000 50,000 
Wind River Reservation Riparian Fencing WYN/AN/A300,000 
Wyoming Sage-steppe Mesic Habitat Restoration III WYN/AN/A355,000
Huston to Sommers Green River Habitat Restoration WYN/AN/A50,000
North La Barge Common Allotment Virtual FenceWYN/AN/A90,000
Wind River Reservation Crow Creek FenceWYN/AN/A50,000
Green River Watershed Mesic Restoration CrewWYN/AN/A120,000
Invasive Annual Grass Tech Transfer Partnership: Empowering Land Managers to Defend and Grow Sagebrush Cores  WY200,000100,000N/A
Developing Spring Reclamation Plans for Developed and Altered Springs and Associated Spring Brooks and Meadows in Completed Juniper Control Areas on Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge NV 20,000 41,000N/A
Improving Climate Resilience of Sagebrush Ecosystem Communities in the Great Basin NV 887,832 503,786N/A
Santa Rosa Paradise Priority Landscape Restoration ProjectNVN/A25,000N/A
Northeastern Nevada Sagebrush Ecosystem Enhancement ProjectNVN/A220,000N/A
Increasing the Availability of Dry Ecotype Native Seeds and Plant Materials for the Great Basin (Nevada Seed Strategy Actions)NVN/A262,790N/A
Kelly Creek Conifer Thinning - Phase I  NV  7,660   N/AN/A
Home Ranch Water Distribution - Phase II  NV  51,166   N/AN/A
Humboldt Ranch Sagebrush and Riparian Enhancement Project  NV  91,162   N/AN/A
Summit Lake Sagebrush Spring(s) into Action  NV  70,000   N/AN/A
Vya Conservation District Sagebrush and Wet Meadow Enhancements Phase I  NV  100,000   N/AN/A
Cottonwood Ranch Meadow Enhancement Project  NV  25,000   N/AN/A
O'Neil Basin Meadow Enhancement ProjectNVN/A175,000N/A
Effect of Conifer Treatments and Landscape Management on Sagebrush Obligate Songbirds and Pinyon Jays in the Great Basin NV100,000252,500N/A
Impacts of Mining Exploration and Development on Sagebrush Ecosystems and Wildlife: A Pilot Study NV50,00050,000N/A
Northwestern Nevada Large Scale Rangeland RestorationNVN/AN/A303,000
Virtual Fencing as a Tool to Support Flexible Livestock Grazing Management to Simultaneously Benefit Livestock Production and Wildlife HabitatNVN/AN/A150,500
Mary’s River Subbasin Riparian and Migration Corridor Enhancement ProjectNVN/AN/A221,204
Summit Lake Sagebrush Spring(s) into Action Phase IINVN/AN/A176,580
Mason Mountain Riparian/Wet Meadow Restoration and Infrastructure RemovalNVN/AN/A24,000
 Berry Brook Mesic Area and Connectivity Enhancement for Sagebrush Steppe WildlifeNVN/AN/A164,904
Sweetwater Pinyon-Juniper RemovalNVN/AN/A43.326
Mosquito Valley Range ImprovementsNVN/AN/A67,659
Fourmile Creek Wet Meadow Enhancement Project  NV  38,050   N/AN/A
Fourmile Creek Wet Meadow Enhancement Project Phase II NVN/AN/A37,326
Stream and Meadow Restoration and Sagebrush Habitat Enhancement Project  NV  N/A   N/A71,913
Assessing the Future Sagebrush Core Habitats: Impacts of Climate & Climate Uncertainty, Wildfire and Invasive Species  Rangewide110,000   113,548312,817
Incorporating Connectivity and Wildland Fire Risk into the WAFWA Sagebrush Conservation Design  Rangewide  150,000   N/AN/A
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conservation Actions for Greater Sage-Grouse using Hierarchical Models and the Conservation Efforts Database  Rangewide  150,000   150,00095,000
Sagebrush Biome Invasive Annual Grass Economic AssessmentRangewideN/A100,000N/A
Continued Technical Assistance to the Sagebrush Conservation Design: Publishing the Scenarios Work and Expanding our Monitoring Tool to Include Key Ecological Indicators from Local VegetationRangewideN/A99,995119,944
Understanding Greater Sage-Grouse Population Trends from the Lens of the WAFWA Conservation Design Strategy: Implications for Management of Impacted, Core, and Growth Opportunity Areas within the Sagebrush Biome  Rangewide  75,000   75,000N/A
Planning for Conservation Delivery Success: Linking Biome-wide Sagebrush Conservation Design to Local Treatment Planning by Leveraging Landscape Restoration Outcomes  Rangewide  115,000N/AN/A
Integrating Habitat Quality and Resistance and Resilience to Inform Long-term Sagebrush Conservation and Restoration InvestmentsRangewideN/AN/A244,418
Assessing the impact of invasive annual grasses and wildfire on native pollinators within the sagebrush-steppe biomeRangewideN/AN/A312,817
Quantifying Carbon Storage and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Sagebrush Rangelands to Inform Management for Carbon ResilienceRangewideN/AN/A134,408
Assessing the Responses of Multiple Sagebrush Songbirds to Conifer Removal in the Bi-State Area of Nevada and CaliforniaRangewideN/AN/A24,186
Incorporating Genetic Structure and Diversity Into Restoration Guidelines for Sagebrush Ecosystems to Improve Resiliency and Restoration SuccessRangewideN/AN/A80,000
Growing the Core: Restoring Sagebrush Steppe Habitats with Innovative Restoration TechnologiesRangewideN/AN/A100,000
Mapping Renewable Energy and Transmission Infrastructures Across Sagebrush Biome and Estimating Effects on Sage-Grouse Populations for a Management Decision Support ToolRangewideN/AN/A144,277
Continued Technical Assistance to the Sagebrush Conservation Design and Incorporating Riparian Resources into the Sagebrush Conservation DesignRangewideN/AN/A50,000
Building and Testing a Multi-scale Adaptive Management Framework for Evaluating Restoration Effectiveness in the Sagebrush BiomeRangewideN/AN/A244,950

Remaining funding is allocated for capacity building efforts across sagebrush sagebrush
The western United States’ sagebrush country encompasses over 175 million acres of public and private lands. The sagebrush landscape provides many benefits to our rural economies and communities, and it serves as crucial habitat for a diversity of wildlife, including the iconic greater sage-grouse and over 350 other species.

Learn more about sagebrush
country for new or existing staff positions to bolster partnerships and aid the delivery of on-the-ground conservation projects. FY24 has 1.3 million allocated for capacity building.