
Our staff publish plans, reports and research that is available for viewing. Here is a listing of some recent publications.


USFWS Connecticut River Basin Annual Report - 2024

This annual report describes work activities conducted by the Connecticut River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (CTRFWCO) in fiscal year 2024 to restore migratory fish species in the Connecticut River basin. This report also describes work conducted outside of the Connecticut River basin...

USFWS Connecticut River Basin Annual Report - 2023

This annual report describes work activities conducted by the Connecticut River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (CTRFWCO) to restore migratory fish species in the Connecticut River basin. This report also describes work conducted outside of the Connecticut River basin to understand the...

USFWS Connecticut River Basin Annual Report - 2022

This annual report describes work activities conducted by the Connecticut River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (CTRFWCO) to restore migratory fish species in the Connecticut River basin, as well as outside of the Connecticut River basin.

USFWS Connecticut River Basin Annual Report - 2021

Executive SummaryFederal Aid Project # F-100-R-38 States: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont Project Title: Connecticut River Basin Anadromous Fish Restoration: Coordination and Technical Assistance Period Covered: October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021...

USFWS Connecticut River Basin Annual Report - 2020

Aid Project # F-100-R-37 States: Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont Project Title: Connecticut River Basin Anadromous Fish Restoration: Coordination and Technical Assistance Period Covered: October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020 This annual report provides an opportunity to...

Connecticut River, River Herring Stock Assessments 2013-2017

Introduction Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and Blueback Herring (Alosa aestivalis) are anadromous fish species that are collectively referred to as river herring. Blueback Herring are known to range from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada) southward to the St. Johns River, Florida (...

Connecticut River American Shad Plan 2020

INTRODUCTION The Connecticut River population of American Shad has been cooperatively managed by the basin state and federal fishery agencies since 1967. In that year the “Policy Committee for Fishery Management of the Connecticut River Basin” was formed in response to the passage of the 1965...