Conservation Policy Courses

These courses explore mission relevant policies and planning topics. Participants learn how to locate, interpret, and apply regulations resulting from policy and law.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to see scheduled sessions in this category.

Target Audience: 

Personnel from natural resource trustee agencies (Federal, state, tribe) whose responsibilities include evaluating and participating in the NRDAR process. Due to the legal sensitivity of some cases discussed, this course is not open to the private sector.

Summary and...
Target Audience:

FWS personnel who need a basic understanding of the purpose and significance of NEPA.

Summary and Objectives:

NEPA 101 provides those who need a basic understanding of the purpose and significance of NEPA, a comprehensive introduction to the National Environmental...

Target Audience:

Service biologists who work on conservation agreements.

Summary and Objectives:

This course will introduce those new to writing conservation agreements to the basics of Candidate Conservation Agreements with and without Assurances and Safe Harbor Agreements and how to...

Target Audience:

Teams who are transitioning for the SSA analytical phase to the report-writing phase, Species Assessment Team (SAT) project managers, Field office managers

Summary and Objectives:

This primary goal of this course is to help SSA teams transition from analyzing the species to...

Target Audience:

Anyone interested in planning, designing, or implementing habitat restoration.

Summary and Objectives:

This course provides restoration practitioners a foundation in restoration policy and planning by covering the federal authorities for restoration; compliance requirements...

Target Audience:

Fish and Wildlife Service employees who are new to the PFW program and others interested in learning the fundamentals of the PFW program or who are interested in learning more about restoration/mitigation projects.

Summary and Objectives:

This course will help you improve...

Target Audience:

Personnel from natural resource trustee agencies (federal, state, and tribes) whose responsibilities include evaluating and participating in the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration process. Due to the legal sensitivity of some cases discussed, this course is...

Target Audience:

Personnel from natural resource trustee agencies (federal, state, and tribes) whose responsibilities include evaluating and participating in the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration process. Due to the legal sensitivity of some cases discussed, this course is not...

Target Audience:

Biologists, natural resource professionals, and law enforcement personnel responsible for implementing and administering federal agency actions that have potential for impacting migratory birds.

Summary and Objectives:

Enacted in 1918, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) is...

Target Audience:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species Act practitioners and partners.

Summary and Objectives:

This multi-week online course is an overview of the species status assessment (SSA) framework, which is an analytical approach developed by the Service to deliver...

Target Audience:

FWS and NOAA Fisheries biologists responsible for conducting project review of potential impacts to listed, proposed, or candidate species. Action agency biologists and consultants are welcome to attend.

Summary and Objectives:

Participants acquire basic knowledge and skills...

Target Audience:

Individuals responsible for assisting in the development of Habitat Conservation Plans.

Summary and Objectives:

This course addresses the basic steps and processes regarding Habitat Conservation Planning under Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act. Case studies...

Target Audience:

Staff whose responsibilities include coordinating water resource development projects and writing FWCA reports.

Summary and Objectives:

This course familiarizes the participant with the Service's responsibilities and opportunities under the FWCA. Course content focuses on...

Target Audience:

Biologists from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service who are responsible for writing and/or implementing a recovery plan for species listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act. This course is appropriate for anyone...

Target Audience:

All staff engaged in work with the Endangered Species Act.

Summary and Objectives:

The module will give you an introduction and overview of the Endangered Species Act, otherwise known as the ESA. The course will introduce you to several sections of the Endangered Species Act...

Target Audience:

Open only to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service endangered species program employees whose duties include Endangered Species Act Section 4 listing and candidate assessment and conservation responsibilities.

Summary and...
Target Audience:

The target audience for the course is Federal action agency employees and their representatives, including state natural resource agencies, who provide Section 7 biological assessments to the Services (Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Fisheries).

Summary and Objectives:


Target Audience:

FWS staff and potential agreement cooperators (including State agencies and NGOs) with no or limited experience in developing voluntary agreements for non-Federal properties.

Summary and Objectives:

This course will introduce those new to developing conservation agreements...

Target Audience:

Experienced Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) program employees in the Department of the Interior.

Summary and Objectives:

The Advanced Topics in NRDAR Workshop provides a forum for experienced NRDAR practitioners to sit alongside NRDAR...

Seminar Calendar