These pathways suggest a progression of courses to help you gain proficiency in a subject area. Decision Analysis PathwaysLevel 1Level 2Level 3Quantitative Decision AnalysisBuilds basic skills in decision theory and the use of analytical tools to support the decision analysis process■ Introduction to Structured Decision Making, ALC3171■ Adaptive Management: Structured Decision Making for Recurrent Decisions, ALC3176■ Decision Analysis: Tools, ALC3191Choose from a series of electivesFacilitative Decision AnalysisBuilds basic skills in decision theory with a focus on facilitating decision analysis■ Introduction to Structured Decision Making, ALC3171■ Decision Analysis: Elicitation and Facilitation, ALC3190■ Collaboration and Conflict Transformation in Multiparty Process, ALC3199Choose from a series of electivesFisheries PathwaysLevel 1Level 2Level 3Quantitative FisheriesGain tools in analysis of fish and fisheries data for population assessment and evaluation of alternative management strategies.■ Introduction to R, CSP4201■ Introduction to Population Modeling, CSP3156b■ Fish Population Dynamics and Assessment, CSP2300Fish SamplingGain practical knowledge and skills in deploying gear for improved sampling data.■ Principles and Techniques of Electrofishing (in-person or online), CSP2201 or CSP2c01■ Fish Sampling Techniques, (Online, Field, Lab, and Classroom), CSP2204■ Electrofishing Sampling Advanced Practicum, CSP2203Habitat Restoration and Management PathwaysLevel 1Level 2Level 3Habitat Restoration & ManagementBuild skills in plant identification and in aquatic and upland habitat assessment, restoration and management.■ Wetland Plant Identification, CSP3107■ Field Techniques for Invasive Plant Management, CLM2139■ Stream Habitat Measurement Techniques, CSP3200■ Applied Fluvial Geomorphology, CSP3210■ Forest Ecology and Management, CSP2110■ River Morphology and Applications, CSP3310■ Wetland Assessment, Restoration and Management, CSP3106■ Advanced Plant Identification: Grasses, Sedges, Rushes and Composites, CSP3130Statistics and Modeling PathwaysLevel 1Level 2Level 3Status and Trend Assessment PathwayBuilds abilities to develop efficient sampling designs and perform analyses to estimate population attributes (e.g., abundance) at a location and over time.■ Making Sense of Biological Data with R, CSP4200■ Data Wrangling with R, CSP1004■ or Introduction to R, CSP4201■ Statistical Modeling for Conservation, CSP4210■ Design and Analysis of Biological Monitoring, CSP4230Species Distribution Modeling and Conservation Design PathwayBuilds skills to develop and/or implement models identifying species-habitat relationships and important conservation areas.■ Data Wrangling with R, CSP1004■ Making Sense of Biological Data with R, CSP4200■ or Introduction to R, CSP4201■ Statistical Modeling for Conservation, CSP4210■ Species Distribution Modeling, CSP4220■ Occupancy Modeling, CSP4141Data Manipulation AnalysisBecome proficient in data handling and an array of common approaches to analyzing biological data. Foundation for monitoring and distribution modeling■ Introduction to R, CSP4201■ or Data Wrangling with R, CSP1004■ Making Sense of Biological Data with R, CSP4200■ Statistical Modeling for Conservation, CSP4210