Katrina Liebich

woman standing by fireweed and an old train
Public Affairs Specialist

1011 East Tudor Rd
Anchorage, AK 99503
United States

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About Katrina Liebich

Katrina has a Master of Science and PhD in Fisheries from Michigan State University and a Bachelor's of Science from Virginia Polytechnic and State University in Biology. Since starting with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in 2010, she has also held positions in Alaska as the regional Fisheries Outreach Coordinator and Digital Media Manager. Katrina is co-host of the award-winning Fish of the Week!, program lead for the Anchorage urban fishing program and Virtual Youth Fish and Wildlife Club, and a FAA and DOI-certified drone pilot. In her spare time she enjoys fishing and hunting with family and friends and practicing/coaching jiu jitsu. 


Alaska's Largest Culvert Frees Tyonek Creek

A Place To Park That Matches The Adventure Beyond The Trailhead

Bridging the Gap to Adulthood: Jon's Creek Fish Passage Project (with Andy Stevens)

Yaaw/Pacific Herring: Keystone Carriers of Spring Bring Harvest and Hope (with Shawn Wolkoff)

Tribal Voices Bring Fish Values to the Surface

Graduating From Blowouts To Bridges

How to Cross a River: Dos and Don'ts (with Kris Pacheco)

Four Fish Who Want You To Wet Your Plants

The Tug of Pacific Salmon

Bridging the River

Rainforest Wolves of Alaska's Alexander Archipelago

The Fish that Wears a Feather (with Guy Eroh)

The Snakehead Dilemma (with Guy Eroh)

Alaska fish passage project to open 70 miles of salmon habitat

Dragons and Damsels

Back to School (with Andy Stevens)

The Quiet Love Affair Between Fish and Trees

Alaska Blackfish

Dandy Dollies of Far-North Alaska

Spiciest Trout in the West

Sturgeon Snoots and Scutes

A Note on Lampreys

Salvation Fish

Burbot: the Singsong Gadoid

Beavers Can Build, But Rivers Rule the Roost

Northern Pike: wintertime fun and table fare with a toothy ambush predator

Anatomy of a Fish Weir

All About Alligator Gar

Back to School: fish-friendly culvert to benefit future generations of fish, Southeast Alaskans

Made in Alaska: Bering Cisco

Winter Sheefish: ice fishing for Alaska's largest whitefish

Seabirds of Alaska

Alaska's Wanna-bees: bee mimics in the far north

Fish Fasts 20 Months for Chance of Love

Albatross: Lifetime at Sea (with Kristopher Pacheco)

Whither Went the Eskimo Curlew? (with Peter Pearsall)

Peer-Review Publications: 

Reclaiming a Space for Diadromous Fish in the Public Psyche and Sense of Place (in: American Fisheries Society - Fisheries)

Social Networks and Fisheries: The Relationship between a Charter Fishing Network, Social Capital, and Catch Dynamics (in: North American Journal of Fisheries Management)

Conservation is a Team Sport (in: Lessons in Leadership: Integrating Courage, Vision, and Innovation for the Future of Sustainable Fisheries)

A True Alaskan: Bering Cisco (in: America's Bountiful Waters: 150 Years of Fisheries Conservation and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)

Tug of Pacific Salmon (in: America's Bountiful Waters: 150 Years of Fisheries Conservation and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)

Areas of expertise
Fisheries and Ecological Services
Conservation Investment
Digital Media
Youth fishing and hunting instruction

From The Library

S1:E1 Northern Pike

Fish of the Week!

Season 1/Episode 1: Northern Pike

This toothy piscivore is found throughout Alaska (even in southcentral Alaska where they’ve been introduced illegally). They’re an important subsistence fish for Alaska Native Peoples and rural residents and a popular...

S1:E4 Stocked Coho Salmon.pdf

Fish of the Week!

Season 1/Episode 4: Stocked Coho Salmon (with kids!)

Anchorage is Alaska's largest city and has a number of lakes stocked with salmonids by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to support year-round recreational fishing in a populous area. During this...

S1:E7 Lake Trout feat. Jarred Stone.pdf

Fish of the Week!

Season 1/Episode 7: Lake Trout feat. Jarred Stone

Lake Trout fisherman and Alaska fishery biologist Jarred Stone joins us to talk about all things lakers! Learn more about Lake Trout biology, winter fishing, and some different ways to smoke and eat them....

S1:E10 Kachemak Bay Kings feat. Holly Dickson & Mike Booz.pdf

Fish of the Week!

Season 1/Episode 10: Winter Kings feat. Holly Dickson and Mike Booz

Holly Dickson and Mike Booz, Sport Fish Area Managers in the Alaska Department of Fish and Game's Homer Office, join Katrina and Guy to talk about winter fishing for King Salmon by boat in...

S1:E2 Burbot.pdf

Fish of the Week!

Season 1/Episode 2: Burbot: The Singsong Gadoid

Ugly-pretty and quite tasty, learn more about the burbot! We like them a Lota lota.

Read more: Burbot: The Singsong Gadoid