Alaska Region Headquarters


Birds are sensitive during the nesting season. Vegetation clearing, ground disturbance, heavy wake near shorelines and other site construction and recreational activities can destroy eggs or nestlings or cause nest abandonment. If you encounter an active nest, leave it be and give it space until young hatch and depart the area. Do not destroy eggs, chicks, or adults of wild bird species. Learn about the laws that govern migratory birds in Alaska including possible exceptions for subsistence gathering. More information on avoiding waterbird harassment and timing recommendations for construction activities to minimize impacts to nesting birds.

Potential Land Exchange for a Road Between King Cove and Cold Bay

For information on the potential land exchange for a road connecting King Cove and Cold Bay through Izembek National Wildlife Refuge and the Congressionally designated Izembek Wilderness please visit Potential Land Exchange for a Road Between King Cove and Cold Bay

Our regional headquarters is primarily comprised of administrative offices, law enforcement, and the offices of our regional leadership. At this location, you can find staff from our Alaska Migratory Birds Office, Alaska Marine Mammals Office, Conservation Genetics Lab, Ecological Services (including our contaminants and spill response office), Wildlife and Sportfish Restoration, Science Applications, Water Resources, Fire Management, External Affairs, and the Office of Subsistence Management.

Location and Contact Information

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      a line drawing of a sea otter holding her pup
      Download these digital coloring pages created by Alaskan artists to learn more about wildlife and conservation, while creating works of art.