An image of a small child fishing.

The fresh and brackish marshes are open during daylight hours. Available species include redfish, snook, gray snapper, spotted seatrout and sheepshead. Freshwater fishing is accessible from U.S. Route 41, 2.5 miles east of intersection of Florida Hwy. 92 and U.S. 41. Access in this area is available along canoe trails and along a one-mile hiking trail. Frequently caught freshwater species include bream, gar and largemouth bass. There are no refuge facilities for anglers. The Ten Thousand Islands area is a pristine environment with very few structures. Trotlines, gigs, spears, bush hooks, snatch hooks, crossbows or bows and arrows of any type may not be used in non-marine areas. Marine areas are open 24 hours a day.

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