A male turkey stands with its tailfeathers spread in a field of wildflowers
Turkey Hunt Lottery Open 2/10 - 3/10

The lottery for the annual spring turkey hunt at Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge in NH will be open from Monday February 10 until Monday March 10. The lottery is free to enter, but winners must pay to claim their permits ($10 for seniors / $20 for adults). All hunters, including youth, must register using their own Rec Access account. Hunt permits are valid for the entire NH spring turkey season.

Yellow Warbler singing in the sun
New Refuge Newsletter

Subscribing to our monthly newsletter is the best way to stay up to day about upcoming programs, volunteer opportunities, planned closures, special permits and lotteries, and more! Subscribe at: bit.ly/ParkerRiverNews.

Image of closed gate over snowy road.
Winter Road Status: Snow Closures Sunday & Monday

The refuge will be closed due to winter weather on Sunday February 9 and delay opening Monday February 10 to complete snow removal and traction control. The gravel road remains closed to vehicle access due to wintery conditions. Walking, cross-country skiing, biking, and snowshoeing are allowed while the road is closed to vehicle access. Please note: the refuge does not salt roads or trails, use caution and drive slowly.

Located along the northeast coast of Massachusetts in an area of dense and expanding human development, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge has special significance and value to migratory birds, other wildlife, and people. The refuge also provides high-quality opportunities for nature-based recreation, including walking & biking, wildlife observation & photography, hunting, fishing, paddling, and beach use. We hope you visit us soon!

Visit Us

Come explore YOUR national wildlife refuge national wildlife refuge
A national wildlife refuge is typically a contiguous area of land and water managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  for the conservation and, where appropriate, restoration of fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitats for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.

Learn more about national wildlife refuge
by visiting during open hours, or joining one of our programs!

The refuge supports a wide variety of wildlife-dependent recreational opportunities. You can learn more about how to enjoy some of our popular activities using the links below:

Pass Types & Fees

Paid Passes

Free Passes

***If purchasing passes at the refuge, payment can be made by cash or check only. Please call ahead to ensure that someone will be able to sell you a pass when you wish to come. Alternatively, most passes can be purchased online through Rec Access or USGS.***

Location and Contact Information


      To schedule a program, tour, or field trip of Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, contact us at 978-465-5753, or via email at parkerriver@fws.gov.

      Our Species

      Our Library

      Alternative Beaches & Recreation Areas

      Parker River NWR periodically closes due to capacity and/or management requirements. But fear not! There are many local beaches and recreation areas to explore.

      Final Habitat Management Plan - Parker River NWR & Thacher Island NWR

      This Habitat Management Plan (HMP) provides a long-term vision and specific guidance on managingpriority species, habitats, and ecosystems at Parker River and Thacher Island National Wildlife Refuges(NWRs). This is accomplished by determining the refuges’ priorities, setting goals and objectives...