The refuge offers some of the area’s finest surf fishing. In season, you may catch striped bass, bluefish, flounder, and several other species. A valid state fishing license is required. Fishing seasons are daylight hours, year-round. Night fishing is allowed after nesting piping plovers have fledged and the beachfront begins to reopen. This typically begins mid-August and runs until October 31st. Contact the refuge for more information about obtaining a night fishing permit.
The refuge tidal flats are open for commercial and recreational shellfishing, but are subject to periodic closures. Town and refuge permits are required and all refuge, state, and town shellfishing regulations apply. Please be advised that the refuge tidal flats lie in multiple town jurisdictions. You must hold valid permits for all localities where you will be shellfishing. Click the town name for more information on the towns of Newbury, Rowley, and Ipswich, or contact the towns directly.
Youth and adults are welcome to attend learn to fish events held periodically at the refuge, and in coordination with Plum Island Surfcasters. Information about upcoming opportunities can be found by visiting the events page.