Waterfowl Hunt Information
Waterfowl looking for a resting place in New Mexico need reliable water. That's why the Las Vegas NWR has created permanent lakes, ponds and marshes throughout its lands. These wetland areas, located where shallow depression wetlands have traditionally occurred, are managed for water depth and size to provide a mix of habitats for waterfowl and other birds. Irrigated agricultural fields on the refuge also provide food for ducks, geese and cranes.
Hunting opportunities are authorized and provided on FWS-managed lands in accordance with federal, state, and tribal (where applicable) regulations and seasons.
For questions on hunting opportunities, regulations, and access, please contact the refuge.
2024 Migratory Bird Hunting Dates and Locations
Species | Season Dates | Harvest | Hunt Areas | Other Regulations |
Geese* | Every Thursday in November and December, EXCLUDING Thanksgiving and Christmas from one hour before legal shooting time to 1:00 pm, during the Statewide season. Maximum of 8 days. November 7 | Refuge assigns a bag limit of 6 in aggregate not to exceed State species limit. | Ag Field West and Ag Field East. | Hunters are assigned hunting blinds. Refuge permit number (FWS 3-2439) and hunter orientation required. Charged a user fee. Federally approved nontoxic shot only. |
*Geese: Dark geese (Canada geese, Cackling geese, Greater white-fronted geese), Light geese
(Ross’s goose, Snow geese).
Application Information:
Hunters will apply for permits through the Recreation.gov website after September 3rd 2024 at a first come first served basis. To apply, please click here. Any permit purchased on this website will not be subject to refund. For a hunters permit form click here.
Hunting period:
As a management tool, bag limits, hunt day/dates, and the species allowed to be taken are subject to change annually and are more restrictive than the state. The refuge conducts up to eight 1-day permit hunts for geese during the State of New Mexico’s goose hunting season. These hunts are conducted in November and December. The refuge administers a lottery-type drawing to allocate the hunting permits. Individuals that are successful in drawing a permit are notified by mail or email, issued a permit, charged a user fee, and informed that they must attend an orientation at the refuge office the morning of their hunt. The permit lists the individual’s hunting date and hunting blind assignment. A map showing blind locations and parking areas as well as a refuge hunt brochure are sent along with the permit number FWS 3-2439.
Parking areas and access locations are conspicuously marked on the ground. If needed, hunters are provided directions and clarification to parking areas, access locations and hunting blind locations during orientation. Hunters may only enter the hunting areas on foot. If a hunter informs refuge staff in advance, that he/she has special needs, every reasonable effort is made to address those concerns so the person can fully participate and have an enjoyable experience. A non-hunting assistant may accompany a hunter with disabilities if needed. Refuge employees strive to accommodate access to all hunters with disabilities.
Hunters will only be able to purchase one group permit at a time, with a one time reservation fee of $6.00 and each hunter recreation fee of $9.00 each. All hunters MUST submit a hunters permit to the hunt coordinator at alyssa_lu@fws.gov by two weeks before their hunt date or they are subject to cancellation of their hunts. Please be sure to read all sections on the website before purchasing their permits. No refunds will be issued at anytime.
Prohibited Activities:
• Hunting or taking any species other than Canada goose, cackling goose, greater white-fronted goose, snow goose, and Ross’s goose.
• Hunting on any area not designated as the Goose Hunt Area
• Shooting while outside of the assigned blinds
• Possessing more than six shells while in the hunt area
• Target shooting/practice
• Hunting by falconry
• Possessing shells containing toxic shot while in the hunt area.
• Hunters or retrieval dogs entering closed areas to retrieve birds.
• Dogs off leash when not hunting.
• The use or possession of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicants while hunting.
• Goose plucking or gutting, or littering of any kind
*Here is an online version of the hunting brochure. This will contain all necessary information you will need to know before goose hunting on Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge*
2024 Dove and Upland Game Dates and Locations
Species | Season Dates | Harvest | Hunt Areas | Other Regulations |
Doves (Mourning Doves, White-winged Doves | September 1 to September 30. Maximum of 30 days. | State regulations apply | Ag Field and Range Unit 9 | Legal migratory bird sporting arms. Federally approved nontoxic shot only. |
Eurasian collared-doves | Coincide with refuge dove hunting season. Maximum of 30 days. | State regulations apply | Ag Field and Range Unit 9 | Legal migratory bird sporting arms. Federally approved nontoxic shot only |
Desert Cottontail rabbits | Coincide with refuge dove hunting season, as incidental take. Maximum of 30 days. | State regulations apply | Ag Field and Range Unit 9 | Legal migratory bird sporting arms. Federally approved nontoxic shot only |
Eastern Cottontail rabbits | Coincide with refuge dove hunting season, as incidental take. Maximum of 30 days. | State regulations apply | Ag Field and Range Unit 9 | Legal migratory bird sporting arms. Federally approved nontoxic shot only |
Parking areas and hunter access are via county road C22C. Maps of the hunt units showing unit boundaries, access points, and parking areas are posted at the refuge office, kiosks and on the refuge website. Hunting access is by foot via access points/entrances to the hunt unit; parking areas are conspicuously marked on the ground. One of the access points has a gate allowing access for off-road wheelchairs. If a hunter informs refuge staff, in advance, that he/she has special needs, every reasonable effort is made to address those concerns so the person can fully participate and have an enjoyable experience. A non-hunting assistant may accompany a hunter with disabilities if needed. Refuge employees strive to accommodate access to all hunters with disabilities.
Hunting Information:
Dove and Upland Game Hunt Permits will be on the back of the hunting brochure. There is no fee to dove and upland game hunt, only a self-permit process. Please read all instructions on the brochure to properly self-permit. Hunting dogs are allowed for bird retrieval and are required to be under close control of their handlers at all times. Shooting hours are ½ hour before legal sunrise to sunset.
Prohibited Activities:
• Hunting or taking any species other than mourning dove, white-winged dove, Eurasian collared-dove, desert cottontail rabbit, or eastern cottontail rabbit.
• Hunting on any area not designated as the Dove and Upland Game Hunt Area.
• Hunting from a designated State or County road rights-of-way.
• Shooting within 75 yards of sprinklers, pivot centers, and motors.
• Shooting within 50 yards of the hunt area perimeter fence.
• Possessing shells containing toxic shot while in the hunt area.
• Target shooting/practice.
• Hunters or retrieval dogs entering closed areas to retrieve birds.
• Dogs off leash when not hunting.
• The use or possession of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicants while hunting.
• Dove plucking, gutting or littering of any kind.
• Rabbit field dressing, gutting or littering of any kind.
*Here is an online version of the hunting brochure. This will contain all necessary information you will need to know before Dove and Upland Game hunting on Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge*
Elk Population Management Hunts
Species | Season Dates | Harvest | Hunt Areas | Other Regulations |
Elk (COW ONLY) | State regulation for game management Unit 46 apply | State regulation apply | Gallinas and Vegosa | State Youth hunt. Attend a refuge orientation. No camping. |
Elk hunts are conducted by lottery system through New Mexico Department of Game and Fish's (NMDGF) elk population management list. You must apply through the state drawing system in the spring to potentially be chosen for a hunt at Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge. Persons applying for New Mexico youth hunts need to be 17 years of age or younger on opening day of the hunt. They must also possess a hunter education number issued by New Mexico or another state. As a management tool, bag limits, seasons, and hunt type are subject to change and are coordinated with the NMDGF.