photo of a lighthouse with the text Refuge Closed February 17- April 30 in bold.
Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge closed Feb. 17 through April 30

The Refuge will be closed to public access from February 17 through April 30 2025 for repairs to the main entryway and associated infrastructure as a result of damages incurred after major flooding and storm damage in 2020, and 2021. For more information go to our news page.  

Overlook Closure at Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge for Slope Stabilization Project

The north-facing slope of the visitor overlook area just outside of the Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) entrance gate will be closed to the public from January 7th through February 17th while stabilization work is being conducted. 

Access to the refuge will be unaffected. Go to our news page for more information.  

Located on the northern most point of Kaua'i, Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge has one of the largest populations of nesting seabirds in Hawai‘i.
Reservations Required

We have permanently moved to a reservation system. Tickets are available up to two months in advance on Recreation.gov

Visit Us

Daniel K. Inouye Kīlauea Point Lighthouse is part of the Kīlauea Point Light Station and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge is located on the northern-most point of the main Hawaiian Islands on a portion of the former Kīlauea volcanic vent and includes spectacular views from atop a 180-foot ocean bluff.

The Refuge is the best places in the state to view seabirds rarely seen from land, like the red-footed booby (ʻā in Hawaiian), great frigate bird ('iwa), and Laysan albatross (mōlī). The world's rarest goose and Hawai‘i's state bird, the Hawaiian goose (nēnē) is a frequent sight as well. Visitors also have a chance to view spinner dolphins (nai‘a), Hawaiian monk seals (‘Ilio holo i ka uaua), green sea turtles (honu), and humpback whales (koholā, October - April) in the water below. Native Hawaiian coastal plants are also abundant.

The Refuge is also home to the Daniel K. Inouye Kīlauea Point Lighthouse, whose 2nd order bivalve Fresnel lens lit the way for seafarers. The lighthouse is part of the Kīlauea Point Light Station, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The lighthouse played a key role in the first trans-Pacific flight from the West Coast to Hawai‘i and has been part of Kaua‘i’s history since its completion in 1913.

Location and Contact Information

      Our Species

      Migratory mōlī (Laysan Albatross) typically arrive at Kīlauea Point in early November for breeding season.

      We are home to a variety of seabirds, songbirds, native plants, and the nēnē, or Hawaiian goose (Branta sandvicensis). To learn more go to our species page. 

      Worldwide, human expansion and development has caused dramatic declines in native plants, animals, and habitats. The National Wildlife Refuge system was established in 1903 to protect, restore, and conserve wildlife populations and their habitats.

      Currently, National Wildlife Refuges encompass the largest acreage of public lands and waters set aside for fish, wildlife, and plants in the world – with more than 150 million acres and at least one National Wildlife Refuge in every state.

      Our Library

      Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge Geotechnical Investigations 2024 Environmental Assessment

      This Environmental Assessment (EA) is being prepared to evaluate the effects associated with the proposed action and complies with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 CFR 1500–1509) and Department of the Interior (43...

      Get Involved

      Volunteer with us 

      Our volunteers, Friends Group, and partners are integral to Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge management. Volunteers support various refuge programs including native habitat management, natural history and cultural interpretation, wildlife monitoring, and more.

       We are currently looking for new people to join our 'ohana (family).  Click view more opportunities to learn more and to contact our volunteer coordinator.