Sacramento NWR Complex Alerts

Updated February 7, 2025, 9:57am


Read the Final Environmental Assessment, Finding of No Significant Impact, and Compatibility Determinations for the Big Notch Project Special Use Permit on our News page.

Closed due to Flooding:


*Use extreme caution as flooding can occur without warning and road shoulders are soft and will not support your vehicle.  Areas are subject to closure without notice.

**For information on CDFW's state Wildlife Areas, including the Upper Butte Basin WA Llano Seco Unit (hunting), please visit their Closure page

Before calling the refuge for updates, please review this section of our website or our social media pages. When known, new information will be posted here and to our Facebook Page and Instagram immediately.

Visit Us

Welcome to Delevan National Wildlife Refuge!   

Delevan NWR is only open to the public for hunting and for photography-blind access (by reservation only).

There are LOTS of recreational opportunities on the other refuges of the Complex, including Visitor Areas, Auto Tours, trails, bicycling, photography, and hunting. 

to find all the information you need to PLAN YOUR VISIT, like recreational opportunities, what to expect, hours and directions, accessibility, passes and permits, rules and policies, local and contact information.  Or jump straight to your favorite activity using these quick links:


Sacramento National Wildlife is one of the 5 National Wildlife Refuges and 3 Wildlife Management Areas that make up the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex: 

Other Facilities in the Complex

Delevan National Wildlife Refuge is managed as part of the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex, with headquarters at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge. The Refuge Complex is comprised of 5 National Wildlife Refuges (Sacramento, Delevan, Colusa, Sutter and Sacramento River NWRs) and 3 Wildlife Management Areas (Willow Creek-Lurline, Butte Sink and Steve Thompson North Central Valley WMAs).


Delevan National Wildlife Refuge

For Hours, Directions and Contact Information, please see our Visit Us page.