Santee NWR Visitor Center and Headquarters
2125 Fort Watson Road
Summerton, SC 29148
(803) 478-2217
Visitor Center: Tuesday – Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Please note the Cuddo unit is closed on Mondays.
Refuge trails and grounds are open sunrise to sunset, EXCEPT on the Cuddo and Bluff Units, which are open as noted below:
October 1 - February 28 - 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
March 1 - September 30 - 6:00 am - 8:00 pm
There is no entrance fee
The Visitor Center/Headquarters is located at the Bluff Unit. The Visitor Center houses wildlife exhibits such as waterfowl, alligators, and neo-tropical songbirds. The Center also includes a deck overlooking Scott's Lake with a view of the Santee Indian Mound across the water. Mounted binoculars on the deck give visitors a view of birds on the water as well as the Indian mound in the distance.
The Visitor Center has binoculars and backpacks (equipped with field guides, etc) available to loan...FREE!
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