Flock of Geese
Baskett Slough Refuge 2024 Youth Waterfowl Hunt Cancelled and Partial Closure of September Canada Goose Hunt

Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge will be unable to host the youth waterfowl hunt in 2024 that is normally part of the Statewide Season, on Saturday, September 28th and Sunday, September 29th. The hunt cancellation is due to active habitat restoration of the Baskett Slough stream channel and adjacent wetlands within the Cackler Marsh management unit. 

The youth hunt will resume in 2025 and operate as it has in the past. After the restoration project is complete the refuge will have improved water delivery for the youth hunt and wetland habitat management. We acknowledge how valuable these limited youth opportunities are on public lands in the Willamette Valley and appreciate your patience while we work to improve stream and wetland habitat conditions for fish, wildlife and their habitats.  

The September Canada goose hunt will remain open with a partial closure of 227 acres within the Cackler Marsh and Field 9Z management units. Those units will be within the restoration construction zone and will be posted with closed signs during the hunt. The remaining 832 acres of the 1059-acre hunt area will remain open subject to State regulations.

See below for the September Goose Hunt Boundary Map and News Release. 

September Goose Hunt Boundary map

News Release

Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge provides habitat for a wide variety of wildlife and plants. Populations of several endangered and threatened animal and plant species can be found on the refuge, and wildlife/wildlands observation, photography, hiking, and environmental education and interpretation are some of the visitor activities allowed on the Refuge.

Visit Us

A local school visits Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge for a bilingual field trip.

If you enjoy getting outdoors and looking for wildlife, consider a visit to Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge! With over 230 recorded species of birds as well as coyote, Fender's blue butterfly, Western pond turtle and much much more, you are sure to see something interesting no matter what time of year. Trails, observation decks, and refuge roads are available year-round for excellent visitor opportunities. 

Location and Contact Information

      About Us

      Established in 1965 as part of the Willamette Valley NWR Complex, the Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge’s primary management goal is to provide wintering habitat for dusky Canada geese. Unlike other Canada goose subspecies, duskies have limited summer and winter ranges. They nest in Alaska’s Copper River Delta and winter almost exclusively in the wetlands of the Willamette Valley—much of which was drained to provide open fields for agriculture and pasture during the 19th century European settlement. With the extensive habitat restoration projects at work on all 2,492 acres of the refuge, it makes driving through like taking a step back into the natural history of the Willamette Valley.

      Two fawns at the edge of a wetland at Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge

      Our Species

      Fender's blue butterfly, Kincaid's lupine, Oregon white oak, Willamette daisy, Nelson's checkermallow, Golden paintbrush, Dusky canada goose, Bald eagle, Kestrel, Short-eared owl, Northern pintail, Streaked horned lark

      A Fender's blue butterfly on its host plant, Kincaid's lupine.

      Get Involved

      Email us and ask about volunteering! 

      Email: willamettevalley@fws.gov

      Volunteers greet visitors during an event at the Rich Guadagno Trailhead