Management Strategy for Terrestrial Invasive Plants in the Alaska Region (PDF)

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People clearing bird vetch from a field

This Programmatic Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) Alaska Region to help the Service select a strategy to manage terrestrial invasive plants in the Alaska, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The purpose of the proposed action is to implement an Integrated Pest Management strategy that allows site specific eradication of invasive terrestrial plants in a consistent, feasible, and cost-effective manner across Alaska with a goal of maintaining functional ecosystems and processes. View the accompanying Finding of No Significant Impact for terrestrial invasive plants for additional information.

Darcie Webb
Type of document
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Subject tags
Invasive species
Environmental quality
Flowering plants
Habitat conservation
Strategic habitat conservation
Ecological restoration
Habitat restoration
FWS and DOI Region(s)