Facility Rules and Policies

There are lots of fun, interesting, and educational things you can do on the refuge. Keep in mind, if an activity is not wildlife related and does not help in the protection or understanding of wildlife or their habitat, there are probably refuge rules governing this activity. Please obey the following regulations which are designed to protect both wildlife and visitors. If you there is an activity that your are unsure about, please call the refuge at 510-792-0222.

Rules and Regulations
  • Protect sensitive wildlife. Dog walking, kite-flying, motorized vehicles, horseback riding, fires, barbecues, fireworks, overnight parking, camping, and weapons (except firearms used for waterfowl hunting in permitted areas during legal hunting season)are not permitted.
  • Bicycles are allowed on the trails, but not on the beach.
  • Drones and other similar types of aircraft are prohibited on refuge lands to reduce the disturbance to wildlife.
  • Respect closed areas. Sensitive dune habitat is closed to the public for the protection of nesting snowy plovers and other threatened and endangered species in the dunes.
  • Introducing non-native species to the refuge is prohibited. Releasing animals onto the refuge is also not allowed.
  • Ensure a quality refuge experience for visitors and provide minimal disturbance to wildlife. Collecting plants, natural features, wildlife or historic artifacts is prohibited.