Facility Activities

Various grassland birds may be seen along Refuge roads including grasshopper sparrow, western meadowlark, horned lark, upland sandpiper, long-billed curlew, burrowing owl, and northern harrier during the spring and summer months. Woodland habitats along the Niobrara River offer great birding opportunities during late spring and summer months. Depending upon the time of year, bison may be viewed from the Refuge roads. Refuge visitors have access to multiple trails and overlooks, and thousands of Refuge visitors connect with nature by floating the Niobrara River. 

Hunting is an important wildlife management tool that we recognize as a healthy, traditional outdoor pastime, deeply rooted in America’s heritage. Hunting can instill a unique understanding and appreciate of wildlife, their behavior, and their habitat needs.

As practiced on refuges,...


Fishing is permitted in accordance with State regulations.

Fishing is allowed on the Minnechaduza Creek and along the Niobrara River downstream from Cornell Dam. All public access is prohibited upstream from Cornell Dam.

Fishing access is allowed from legal sunrise to legal...

Grassland birds and deer can be seen along Refuge roadways throughout the year. Bison can be viewed from Refuge roadways depending on where the herd is located. Due to the presence of bison, the best photographic opportunities occur while staying in your vehicle. Wildlife generally feels less...