Ways to Get Involved
From its start in 1903, the National Wildlife Refuge System has owed its very existence to concerned citizens eager to protect America's natural resources.
More than 200 nonprofit Refuge Friends organizations support national wildlife refuges, whether they work with a single refuge, a refuge complex or an entire state. Friends members are crucial to conserving and protecting our nation’s wildlife and teaching millions of Americans that their actions today determine the conservation legacy of tomorrow.
More than 42,000 people volunteer their time and ideas each year to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Whether they work on the land, in a visitor center or with youth, they contribute to the conservation mission that reaches back more than a century. Become a volunteer or Refuge Friend to contribute your strength on behalf of America’s natural resources.
Our Partners
The Refuge routinely partners with state agencies, universities, and non-governmental organizations to complete projects on the Refuge. These partnerships typically benefit refuge habitats, facilities, recreational opportunities, higher education, and the local economy.
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission: http://outdoornebraska.ne.gov/
Audubon Nebraska: http://ne.audubon.org
Sandhills Prairie Refuge Association: https://sandhillspra.org/
National Wildlife Refuge Association: http://refugeassociation.org/