We work closely with industry and other entities to prevent and mitigate adverse impacts of human activities on Pacific walrus, polar bears, and northern sea otters in Alaska, prevent adverse impacts to subsistence use of these species, and promote human safety in polar bear country. A significant component of this work is the issuance of incidental take authorizations under sections 101(a)(5)(A) and 101(a)(5)(D) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
What We Do
- Provide technical assistance and share resources on how to avoid take of polar bears, northern sea otters, or Pacific walrus
- Issue incidental harassment authorizations (IHAs) that authorize incidental take by harassment of marine mammals for up to a one-year period
- Promulgate incidental take regulations (ITRs) that authorize incidental take of marine mammals for up to a five-year period, and issue associated incidental take Letters of Authorization (LOAs) to specific entities
- Issue Letters of Authorization that authorize intentional harassment (hazing) of polar bears
- Provide polar bear awareness, safety, and deterrence training
- Work with the Marine Mammals Management species programs to apply the most current biological information in regulatory decisions
- Consult with other local, state and federal agencies to coordinate regulatory efforts
What Guides Us
No incidental take authorizations are currently available for public comment.