Our Services

The Ouray facility consists of a 36,000-gallon indoor recirculation hatchery with 27 eight-foot circular fiberglass tanks and 30 four-foot circular fiberglass tanks. The isolation room has been rebuilt with a separate recirculation system containing 19 three-foot circular fiberglass tanks which also doubles as a 19-jar egg incubation hatchery during spawning season. Water temperatures can be manipulated to run anywhere between 54 F and 72 F depending upon fish and/or egg needs. There are also 24 -- 0.2-acre production ponds, and 12 -- 0.5 acre  broodstock broodstock
The reproductively mature adults in a population that breed (or spawn) and produce more individuals (offspring or progeny).

Learn more about broodstock
 ponds, most of which are covered with bird netting. The water source consists of seven shallow wells (40 feet deep) located near the Green River approximately 0.5 miles from the hatchery.