Realty for Refuge Personnel


Target Audience: 

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service refuge and area supervisors, project leaders, refuge managers, planners, and all others who work in support of the Service's land conservation objectives but are outside the Realty program.  

Summary and Objectives: 

Refuge employees outside the Division of Realty play an important role in supporting Service land conservation, and this 1-week course is designed to provide a solid understanding of the Realty program to refuge personnel who work in support of Service land conservation. The course provides an overview of the tools, resources, and processes that refuge personnel must understand to effectively support Realty land conservation activities. By gaining a better understanding of the Service's Realty program, refuge personnel will be able to work more effectively with Realty program staff on projects to conserve important wildlife habitat as part of the National Wildlife Refuge System. In addition, refuge personnel will be able to communicate information about the Service's land conservation process and associated timelines to landowners interested in conserving wildlife habitats.  

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:  

  • Efficiently work with realty personnel as they perform key elements of fee and easement conservation projects, including prioritization, appraisal, negotiation, due diligence, and funding. 
  • Describe the overall Service land conservation process and associated timelines to landowners and other interested parties. 
  • Identify the main funding sources that enable Service land conservation. 

Competencies Addressed: 

Lands and Realty Management - Basic, Team Building - Basic, Teamwork - Basic, Real Estate - Basic

Course Short Name
Course Type
Course Category
Training Tuition Cost
Training Credit Hours
Semester Hours

Questions and Registration


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