Target Audience:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff, including endangered species biologists, refuge personnel, contaminant specialists, pesticide applicators, restoration biologists, and law enforcement officials, as well as other federal, state, and non-governmental organization personnel whose responsibilities include evaluating the legal and biological implications of pesticide applications.
Summary and Objectives:
Participants will explore pesticide effects to fish and wildlife resources through the use of classroom lectures, case studies, and field exercises. The course covers topics such as the major types of pesticides that can affect fish and wildlife resources, typical routes of exposure, assessing the potential risk, and the environmental fate of pesticides in terrestrial and aquatic systems. The course will also review emerging issues related to pollinator declines and genetically modified organisms. Additionally, course discussions will cover federal laws and policies related to pesticide use and principles of integrated pest management. Participants will learn procedures to evaluate non-target effects and considerations for listed species and will receive useful references and information sources about pesticide safety and use and fish and wildlife risk.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Describe the fate and transport of pesticides in the environment.
- Describe federal laws, Service policies, and other authorities related to pesticide use.
- Describe exposure and effects of pesticides to non-target organisms, including threatened and endangered species and other trust resources.
- Apply basic principles of risk assessment as they relate to pesticides and possible interactions with fish and wildlife resources.
- Conduct a terrestrial and aquatic field investigation.
Competencies Addressed:
Environmental Compliance - Intermediate, Risk Management - Intermediate, Health and Safety Awareness - Intermediate, Decision Making - Basic
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