Macroinvertebrate Ecology and Identification


Target Audience:

Anyone needing background in macroinvertebrate ecology and identification. For example, biologists interest in using or understanding macroinvertebrates as a component of aquatic monitoring programs.

Summary and Objectives:

This intensive 'hands-on' field and lab course cover the ecology of North American freshwater macroinvertebrates as well as sampling and identification techniques. The goal is to develop participant knowledge of macroinvertebrate ecology and identification skills. Each day, ecological principles will be discussed in the morning followed by afternoon collecting exercises in local streams and ponds. Collected macroinvertebrates will be identified to family level (some to genus level) back at the lab. Each participant will form an individual reference collection for their continued use after course completion.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe common life history strategies of macroinvertebrate taxa.
  • Describe habits and trophic group types.
  • Describe macroinvertebrate patterns of abundance based on physical and chemical habitat templates.
  • Discuss effect of impairment on assemblage composition.
  • Correctly use a variety of sampling gears.
  • Use proper collecting, labeling, and preservation techniques.
  • Correctly identify unknown specimens by following methods demonstrated in the course.

Competencies Addressed:

Aquatic Ecology - Intermediate, Invertebrate Zoology - Intermediate, Fisheries Biology - Intermediate

Course Short Name
Course Type
Training Tuition Cost
38 hours
Training Credit Hours
Semester Hours

Questions and Registration

Upcoming Sessions of this Course

Session date and time
Location Classroom
Shepherdstown, WV

Session Contact

Session date and time
Location Classroom
Shepherdstown, WV

Session Contact


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