1211 SE Cardinal Court
Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98683
United States
About Jen Poirier
Jennifer is part of the Strategic Habitat Conservation Group where she provides her expertise to the Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative, U.S. v. Oregon Production Advisory Committee, and aquatic invasive species invasive species
An invasive species is any plant or animal that has spread or been introduced into a new area where they are, or could, cause harm to the environment, economy, or human, animal, or plant health. Their unwelcome presence can destroy ecosystems and cost millions of dollars.
Learn more about invasive species prevention efforts. Her duties include working collaboratively with Conservation Initiative partners (i.e., States, Tribes, Federal agencies, watershed councils) developing Regional Implementation Plans, and identifying funding sources for projects that support Pacific Lamprey conservation, performing aquatic invasive species monitoring at lower Columbia River National Fish Hatcheries, and conducting training sessions to disseminate new aquatic invasive species management information (e.g. disinfection protocols, AIS identification, reporting protocols, and USFWS Invasive Species Policy guidelines).
Program: Passage and Habitat Assessment
Current Projects:
1. Coordinating activities that support the Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative
a. Leading Pacific Lamprey Regional Management Unit (RMU) meetings.
b. Working collaboratively with RMU partners to identify specific projects and research needed to address critical threats to lampreys within the region
c. Working with regional partners to develop Regional Implementation Plans and revise the Pacific Lamprey Risk Assessment
d. Identifying potential funding sources for high priority conservation actions
e. Providing technical assistance to identify critical information gaps, research, and conservation needs for Pacific Lamprey and other lamprey species
2. Serving as the assistant Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator for Oregon
a. Alternating as a FWS representative on the Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC)
b. Conducting aquatic invasive species monitoring at lower Columbia River Basin National Fish Hatcheries using eDNA and visual surveys
c. Evaluating the effectiveness of a biological control strategy to eradicate non-native Brook Trout at Carson National Fish Hatchery
3. Providing technical assistance to partners, teachers, and natural resource professionals on aquatic invasive species identification, Pacific Lamprey and Pacific Salmon ecology
Past Projects:
1. Developed the Columbia River Aquatic Nuisance Species education trunk
2. Implemented a multi-year radio telemetry study to investigate migration timing and survival of Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery juvenile spring Chinook in the Deschutes Basin.
3. Constructed, installed and maintained half duplex (HDX) and full duplex (FDX) Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) antennas to monitor fish distribution and movement through natural streams, culverts, fish ladders, and hatchery raceways.
4. Performed large-scale fish salvage effort on lower White Salmon River to mitigate effects of Condit Dam breach and removal.
5. Performed occupancy and mark/recapture sampling in freshwater rivers and streams throughout Oregon to investigate the abundance, distribution, survival, recruitment, movement and life history characteristics of juvenile salmonids and char.
6. Assessed the effects of habitat restoration actions on fish populations and aquatic habitats within sloughs in the lower Columbia River estuary.
7. Monitored trends in abundance and factors limiting production of ESA-listed Chum salmon below Bonneville Dam.
8. Implemented a radio telemetry study to investigate habitat selection, movement among spawning areas, and stream residence timing of adult Chum Salmon in tributaries below Bonneville Dam.
Jennifer spent four years working as a field technician for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission where she conducted spawning ground surveys on adult salmon and Steelhead populations on lower Columbia River tributaries, coordinated and performed genetic sampling for the Zone 6 tribal fishery, and monitored commercial and sport fisheries (smelt, salmon, sturgeon) on the lower Columbia River. She also spent two summers conducting juvenile and adult salmonid snorkel surveys and stream habitat assessments in the Tillamook and Nooksack River basins for The Wild Salmon Center and Ecotrust, .
At CRFWCO Since: 2002