License Duck Stamps or Junior Duck Stamp Imagery

Do you want to advertise your love of your favorite Duck Stamp or Junior Duck Stamp design? Do you want to promote the Duck Stamp or Junior Duck Stamp programs? You can purchase products from these authorized product dealers.

If you do not see what you want, consider expanding the impact of Duck Stamp dollars and obtain a license of your own to use an image on your favorite product.

Royalties collected through the Licensing program which feature the Duck Stamp are deposited with the Migratory Bird Conservation to further the funds available for wetland habitat conservation. Royalties from products featuring the Junior Duck Stamp are used to promote this conservation education program. Sale of licensed products are just one more way to stretch our conservation dollars and promote these important conservation tools.

Who Needs It

Anyone interested in reproducing the image of either the Federal Duck Stamp or the Junior Duck Stamp or to recreate the Duck Stamp design must contact the Duck Stamp Office. To use the image on any product that will be produced and sold, you must apply for, and be accepted as, a Licensee. If you have a product, such as t-shirts, hats, drinking glass, or calendar, which you would like to produce and would like to incorporate an image of the Duck Stamp or Junior Duck Stamp, we offer non-exclusive agreements with low royalty rates. We also offer one-time use agreements for the image(s) to be used in books, on signs and exhibits, in journals, and for personal works. Licensing agreements outline design and packaging requirements.

Media interested in obtaining images should also contact us to obtain high-resolution images.

The artwork itself is owned by the individual artist; they retain the copyright for its use. Permission to reproduce the artwork itself must be given by the individual artist or their agent. The artists may make prints and other products that portray their artwork and should be contacted directly.

Suspected unlicensed use of the stamp images can be reported to the Duck Stamp Office.


  • Consider purchasing from one of the already approved Licensees
  • Don’t see what you like, consider getting your own license to reproduce the image
  • Contact the Federal Duck Stamp Office to discuss your project
  • We will work with you to develop a Licensing Agreement, set royalty rates, and provide the images for your use
  • Licensees provide product samples and begin production
  • Licensees sell their product, report quarterly sales, and send in required royalty payments
  • Your customers share the tradition of the Federal Duck Stamp with friends and family and support wildlife habitat conservation and the wonderful artwork that makes the stamp a unique conservation funding tool
  • Visit and encourage others to enjoy National Wildlife Refuges and see Duck Stamp Dollars at work
Small Businesses

Get Started


Duck Stamp

Communications Coordinator

Valerie Fellows
Migratory Bird Program

Additional Roles: All media use of Duck Stamp images

Expertise: media relations

Area: National Falls Church, VA