Ways to Get Involved

Kodiak welcomes and relies on volunteers, Friends, and interns to accomplish refuge goals in all aspects of conservation and education!


Common volunteer opportunities include cabin maintenance, invasive plant control, berry surveys, bird banding, and staffing the visitor center.

Volunteer opportunities on the Refuge include float plane or boat transportation to the Refuge, as well as meals and lodging, but trips to the Refuge require aviation and bear safety training to be completed in advance so be sure to plan ahead.

We welcome youth volunteers to assist with several refuge programs. Opportunities include: The Kodiak Refuge Youth Leadership (KRYL) Program, Salmon Camp Aide, Avian Monitoring (bird banding), Visitor Center Guide and assisting our staff with events and environmental education programs.

Contact Natalie Fath at natalie_fath@fws.gov or 907-487-0282 to learn more and sign up as a volunteer.

Kodiak Refuge Youth Leadership Program (June-August)

The Kodiak Refuge Youth Leadership (KRYL) Program is a mentoring program designed for Junior High and High School Students (7th-12th grade). This program provides opportunities for developing leadership skills as well as a deeper understanding of Kodiak Island. All volunteer interns will work directly with and assist USFWS staff and Salmon Camp instructors with environmental education activities and preparation during the summer. Successful applicants must be available to work a full week of camp over the summer and have housing in the community of Kodiak. For more information or to apply contact the Environmental Education Specialist at michelle_lawson@fws.gov or 907-487-0283

2024 KRYL Application

Visitor Center (Year round)

Adults and youth are welcome to volunteer in the Visitor Center. We ask that you be available to volunteer 2-3 hours at least once a week. Gain experience with customer service, share your knowledge about Kodiak with visitors, and assist staff in operating the Alaska Geographic bookstore. 

Cabin Steward Program (April-October)

Assist maintenance staff with construction and repairs at one of our nine beautiful remote cabin sites. These trips are scheduled as needed during the warmer months of the year and usually last a couple days to a week. Transportation, food, and lodging provided; aviation and bear safety training required. Construction and maintenance experience is not required, but be prepared to work hard.

Bird Banding (May-August)  

Assist our avian biologist with mist-netting and bird banding operations at the Refuge Buskin River headquarters.  This is an exciting opportunity to get close and work with birds, either as a net-tender or taking biological measurements.  No experience necessary, new learners welcome!  Ages 15 and up.  Meet 6 days throughout the summer at daybreak, dates TBD.  Orientation session in early summer.  Please contact the Avian Biologist for more information at robin_corcoran@fws.gov or 907-487-0229.


School Programs 

There are two ways the Kodiak Refuge can be involved with your classroom: field trips to the Kodiak Refuge Visitor Center or classroom visits by our staff. To schedule a program for your students, please contact the Kodiak Refuge Education Specialist at (907) 487-0283. 

Education Kits

Traveling education kits are available for loan to educators, homeschoolers and childcare providers. Kits include everything from fur samples, track making kits, and skulls of a number of Kodiak land mammals.  Curriculums are included for certain grades, but the kits can be a useful resource for any age group. The Kodiak Refuge has funds available to ship education kits to Kodiak area villages.

Additional Opportunities

Junior Duck Stamp Competition

Alaska Youth Fish and Wildlife Club (virtual, Wednesdays)

Education Programs

Youth Conservation Corps (YCC)

The Kodiak Refuge hires high school students that have housing in the community of Kodiak each summer to work with our educators, biologists, rangers and maintenance staff in the Kodiak Refuge. Through this experience the students are exposed to a variety of career fields in public lands. High School students aged 15-18 are eligible to apply for the Youth Conservation Corps; applications open in the spring. Applicants will need their own housing in the Kodiak area. Contact Education Specialist, Shelly Lawson, at michelle_lawson@fws.gov or 907-487-0283 to learn more.

2024 YCC Application


woman standing by archery targets
A weekly virtual club for youth to learn about fish and wildlife. All are welcome! Make friends, have conversations, and explore new topics each week!