Laws and Regulations

Enjoy exploring and recreating on your National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is open from sunrise to sunset, with areas of nesting birds closed to entry. To ensure healthy habitat and sustainable wildlife resources for your continued enjoyment, and to ensure visitor safety, the following are rules and prohibited activities:

  • Refuge visitors should avoid disturbing the bird nesting colonies on the islands. We will post as closed to all entry portions of the refuge during the nesting season to reduce disturbance to shorebirds and colonial nesting seabirds
  • The refuge is open during daylight hours only – nighttime use and camping are prohibited
  • Recreational fishing and crabbing on the refuge are allowed year round in accordance to Louisiana state fishing regulations. All fishing and crabbing equipment must be attended at all times. 
  • Trotlines, slat traps, or nets are not allowed
  • Fires are not allowed on the refuge

  • Drones are not permitted due to their disturbance of sensitive wildlife

  • Cutting, removing, or damaging vegetation is prohibited.

Non-emergency complaints of violations on refuge lands should be reported to refuge Law Enforcement: (985) 882-2041.

The Wilderness Act of 1964 established the National Wilderness Preservation System and authorizes Congress to designate wilderness areas. Here, in the Wilderness Act, is a definition of wilderness: “A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is...