Our Services

At Bosque del Apache, we offer the following public services: 

Special Use Permits - please send questions and completed applications to BosqueDelApacheNWR@fws.gov (you may reach out to this email address for a special use permit application). Please allow at least 3 weeks for us to process your permit. We do not allow commercial photography workshops during the Festival of the Cranes excluding approved Festival of the Crane workshops (Dec 3-7, 2025).

Silhouette of a person walking with a shotgun on the tundra

Some commercial, recreational and research activities are allowed on national wildlife refuges only with a special use permit issued by the local office, and are subject to specific conditions and fees. This permit requirement is meant to ensure that all activities at the federal site are...

Kayakers navigating a swamp full of trees and lily pads.

Some 30 national wildlife refuges  charge visitors a nominal entrance fee (generally $3-$5 daily) to cover road and facility maintenance. If you are a regular visitor or would like to visit other public lands, you could save by buying an America the Beautiful Federal Recreational...