Harvest management, Monitoring, Research

Interested in how you can report a banded bird or how the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Program uses this information?  Maybe you'd like to know more about reward bands or what types of birds are banded?  Read on to find the answers!

Reporting Banded Birds

If you have found or harvested a banded bird, please report it at  www.reportband.gov. You'll need the band number, or numbers, if the bird has more than one band. See below for more information on reward bands. You'll also need to know where, when and how you recovered the bird. Your contact information will be requested in case there are any questions. The U.S. Geological Survey Bird Banding Lab (BBL) will send you a certificate of appreciation that includes information about the sex, age and species of the bird, and where and when it was banded. You can keep the band. Please note: Even if the band you recover is inscribed with a 1-800 telephone number, as of July 2, 2017, you can only report it at www.reportband.gov.

If some or all of the numbers have worn off, making the band unreadable, please email the BBL at bandreports@usgs.gov or find out on how to send the band for chemical etching. Most bands can be chemically etched so that the numbers can be read. The process does not destroy the band, and it will be returned to you. Thank you for helping conserve and manage migratory birds!

How We Use Banding Data

Managing a complex and mobile resource requires information on breeding and wintering distribution, behavior, migratory routes, survival and reproduction. Biologists gather this information by placing uniquely numbered bands on many species of birds. These birds may be recaptured in the future by biologists, or are found dead by the general public, or in the case of waterfowl or other game birds are harvested by hunters, who then report these bands to the U.S. Geological Survey Bird Banding Laboratory (or Canada’s Bird Banding Office), which provides information about where the bird was banded, where it was recovered, and how long it lived. This is the information that was used to develop the Flyway system that has been used for managing migratory birds since 1950.

The Division of Migratory Bird Management is involved in both the collection and analysis of banding data. Our staff coordinates with banders from various state, federal, private, and tribal agencies in ongoing, annual banding efforts. One example is the Western Canada Cooperative Waterfowl Banding Program (WCCWBP) which focuses on banding waterfowl throughout the Canadian prairies and Canadian boreal forest. Find out more about the program and read the stories of banding crews in the field.

Migratory Bird Program biologists and their counterparts in the U.S. Geological Survey have led the way in developing models that utilize banding and recovery data to predict the impacts of harvest and other take, as well as develop an understanding of environmental factors that drive migratory bird populations. Banding data were instrumental in the development of Adaptive Harvest Management and are used by biologists to set annual waterfowl hunting regulations.

The value of banding data is only fully realized when banded birds are recovered and band numbers reported to the Bird Banding Laboratory. Some recoveries are recaptures (including resighting of bands through spotting scopes) of live birds that are obtained from banders or other wildlife professionals. However, the predominant number of recoveries of dead birds come from the public, either by people who have found birds that have died, or by hunters who have harvested them. More information about how and where to report the recovery of banded birds can be found above under Reporting Banded Birds. We rely heavily upon on your cooperation, and we, and the birds, thank you.

Reward Bands

Harvesting a banded bird is a unique experience. Not only do you get some "jewelry" for your lanyard, but when you report the band, you get a certificate on when and where the bird was banded, and its species, sex and age. Getting a bird with a reward, or "money" band on it is extra special because they are relatively rare. And, oh yeah, the reward check is nice too.

We often get questions about the purpose of these bands. One very important use of banding data is calculating harvest rates. We need to make sure that the harvest of migratory game birds is sustainable, so that bird populations remain healthy, and that the hunting tradition can be continued by future generations. If everyone who harvested a banded bird reported it, the harvest rate would simply be the number of banded birds recovered, divided by the total number banded. However, not everyone reports their band, so we use reward bands to estimate a band reporting rate, which is the likelihood that someone who shoots a banded bird will report it.

Reporting rates can and have changed over time, most notably when a toll-free telephone number was added to the band inscription in the mid-1990s. Prior to that, people had to write a letter to the Bird Banding Lab. By making reporting easier, reporting rates more than doubled (Royle and Garrettson 2005, Boomer et al. 2013, Garrettson et al. 2013, Zimmerman et al. 2009). Now, all band reports must be submitted online (www.reportband.gov.)

Some people falsely believe that if they report a band, it could lead to more restrictive hunting regulations. In fact, the more band reports we get, the more confident we can be of our data, and this allows us to set seasons that allow more harvest opportunity, while ensuring that the harvest is sustainable.

We encourage you to report all your bands at www.reportband.gov. If you get a bird with a reward band, it should also have a second, standard band on it. Please report both bands. Occasionally, bands get worn and are lost, so if your bird only has a reward band, please report it. Someone will contact you to help you complete the report so that you can get your certificate and check.

Literature Cited

Boomer, G. S., Zimmerman, G. S., Zimpfer, N. L., Garrettson, P. R., Koneff, M. D., Sanders, T. A., Magruder, K. D. and Royle, J. A. (2013), Band reporting probabilities for mallards recovered in the United States and Canada. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 77: 1059–1066. doi: 10.1002/jwmg.570

Garrettson, P. R., R. V. Raftovich, J. E. Hines, and G. S. Zimmerman. 2013. Band reporting probabilities of mallards, American black ducks, and wood ducks in eastern North America. J. Wildl. Manag. 78:50–57.

Royle, J.A., and P. Garrettson. 2005. The effect of reward band value on mid-continent mallard band reporting rates. Journal of Wildlife Management 69(2):800-804.

Zimmerman, G. S., T. J. Moser, W. L. Kendall, P. F. Doherty, Jr., G. C. White, and D. F. Caswell. 2009. Factors influencing reporting and harvest probabilities in North American geese. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:710–719.

Mourning Dove Banding Program

A national banding program was initiated in 2003 to improve our understanding of mourning dove population biology and to help estimate the effect of harvest on mourning dove populations. Doves are banded in July and August in most of the lower 48 states. Band recoveries occur almost exclusively during the U.S. hunting seasons which occur between 1 September and 31 January.

Otis, D.L. 2009. Mourning dove banding needs assessment. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Unpublished report. 22pp.

Mourning Dove Population Status Report Library Collection

Duck Banding in Southcentral Alaska

Banding and recovery of Alaska banded mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) is one component of an Adaptive Harvest Management (AHM) process used in the Pacific Flyway by providing harvest rate estimates. Harvest rate is used in coordination with breeding population size estimates from the Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey (WBPHS) to determine the optimal regulatory strategy (liberal, moderate, restrictive, or closed) for dabbling ducks each year.  To accomplish the banding program in southcentral Alaska, biologists in Migratory Bird Management set swim-in traps targeting mallards at major migratory staging areas during the month of August.  These efforts are augmented by other federal and state biologists who run similar operations at National Wildlife Refuges and State Game Refuges throughout Alaska.   

Read more about our waterfowl banding operations in Southcentral Alaska

Goose Banding

The Arctic Goose Joint Venture supports banding operations of geese across the Arctic, from Baffin Island to Alaska.  Their website has some fantastic information about this successful partnership between many federal government agencies within the U.S. and Canada, provincial and state government agencies, non government agencies, researchers and citizen scientists.  Or check out the established field camps where such banding occurs!


Mourning Dove Banding Needs Assessment

This assessment was prepared by Dr. Dave Otis to determine how many Mourning Doves to band, and in what locations, to reliably estimate annual survival and harvest rate. The goal of the assessment was to determine the banding allocation needed to inform a hypothetical harvest strategy.

Mourning Dove Population Status, 2021

The mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) is one of the most abundant bird species in North America, and is familiar to millions of people. Authority and responsibility for management of this species in the U.S. is vested in the Secretary of the Interior. This responsibility is conferred by the...


polaroid picture of 4 biologists holding ducks
Waterfowl banding has been an integral part of waterfowl population monitoring and management since the early 1950’s and the Brooks station has been active for the better part of 60 years!
closeup of the wing of a green-winged teal
Over the course of the 19 days, we banded 460 mallards, a handful of diving ducks and one northern pintail. A very rainy first week resulted in a plethora of new ducks to band; they don’t call it “fowl weather” for no reason!
closeup of a duck head
This is one of the most rewarding things I do every year, and I have been lucky to get to spend time over the years with a good number of excellent and professional biologists who love the grind as much as I do.
male redhead duck with wings spread
As we looked at all the other re-captures, they were all banded in the same lake and came back the next year. It’s like ducks know exactly where to go for all the good rest stops during the migration.
three people in a boat
Traveling down the dirt road that winds its way through the boreal forest to the boat launch, the anticipatory excitement is buzzing that first morning. Everyone is ready to get on the water and start looking for ducks!
Sandhill Cranes flying over the Refuge from a distance.
Annual migratory bird population status reports are posted each year in mid to late August. Highlighted species include waterfowl, American woodcock, mourning dove, band-tailed pigeon, and sandhill Crane. The annual Migratory Bird Hunting Activity and Harvest Report is also included.
A large reddish wading bird with a long curved bill prowls a wetland, with tall grasses showing behind it.
By far, the coolest part of this project is capturing and tagging the birds! Biologists head out into the night like stealth bird-spies, creeping slowly and quietly in wetlands so as not to spook the birds.
3 people holding ducks
We watched bald eagles, red-necked grebes, yellow-headed blackbirds and many species of divers such as goldeneyes, buffleheads and ring-necked ducks while we ate. Occasionally a common loon would pop up next to the boat.
biologist holds a wing of a black duck
We were eager to find out what was waiting for us in the duck trap every morning. A trap full of mallards is a sight to see and we started several mornings getting completely soaked while we herded them into our catch box. An invigorating way to start the day for sure!
two biologists wading in water to get ducks out of trap
Over the course of the month, we caught mallards, black ducks, northern pintails, redheads, canvasbacks, wood ducks, blue-wing teals, green-wing teals, ring-necked ducks, and a bufflehead. In total, we setup 13 swim-in traps and caught over 2,500 ducks!
beautiful orange and pink sky at sunset reflects on a lake
In my years of coming back to this very same place, no year has been the same. The landscape, wildlife, and people change everything about the experience.
close up of a male northern pintail head
A major aspect of the experience this year was witnessing the impact that many large wildfires in Alberta and Northwest Territories had on the residents of these areas. It was difficult to watch the flood of evacuees head south out of Yellowknife and smaller towns like Hay River. It puts the things...
Waterfowl hunting at sunrise
Waterfowl hunting is a time-honored tradition important to more than 1 million Americans every year. So how do so many people enjoy hunting waterfowl and other migratory birds when they are a national resource protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act? And how do we ensure that waterfowl...
Green-Winged Teal
Almost all groups of birds have seen major declines in the last 50 years– almost all, except for waterfowl. As a group, waterfowl have actually increased in population size! So why is that? What is unique about this group of birds, and how can we use that information to build strategies to conserve...
a female goldeneye is held over the water with her wing expanded
We were at a remote field camp in Central Saskatchewan, far away from the everything else in the world, including our comfort and amenities, but happy to fulfill our part in a very important facet of North American waterfowl management: duck banding.
five round swim in traps set in a wetland
It’s been three years since I have been back to Canada. I was excited that we got to continue the banding project, however, I wanted to see how all the places that we trapped before had changed during the pandemic.
4 biologists standing on a boat in a wetland and one biologist is holding a duck
The local community, the knowledge and effort of the bird banding crew, and the subtle beauty of the marsh made my first bird banding experience a memory I will never forget.
closeup of a female mallard
We often capture birds that were banded from previous years; these could have been birds banded by us previously, or birds that were banded by another permitted bird bander in a different region. Along with the approximately 400 newly banded birds at our station this year, we also recaptured 67...
three biologists build a metal swim-in trap in a wetland
It’s been nearly three years since a leg band has been placed on a duck at our bird banding station in the central Saskatchewan’s boreal forest. We returned to the Churchill River this month with tremendous elation to see familiar landscapes and faces while also hoping to see an abundancy of...
ducks and geese swim and fly around a wetland
The peregrine falcon came out of nowhere and stooped (that’s what it’s called when a falcon dives to catch its prey) at a newly banded blue-wing teal that had stopped to rest and preen itself near our trap site. We had just trapped and banded the teal, but it was still alert enough to look for...
biologist holding a redhead duck
Returning to the prairies, and Brooks in particular, after two years away during COVID, was a shock as it looked so different than 2019. Our crew scoured the local area looking for ducks, and we have found some, but not the numbers we’ve typically seen.
a closeup of a red knot held in one hand
Some birds make long journeys throughout the year while others seem to stay in your backyard. One way to better understand their behaviors and distribution is through banding and marking birds with individual identifiers.


Grayscale U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service logo
Wildlife Biologist
Migratory Birds,
Webless Migratory Game Bird Program
Additional Role(s)
Webless Migratory Game Bird Biologist,
Acting Chief for the Branch of Assessment and Decision Support,
Oversees the Webless Migratory Game Bird Program,
Mourning Dove Wingbee Coordinator


A large bird with brown feathers, white head, and yellow beak flies against a pale blue sky
The Migratory Bird Program works with partners to protect, restore and conserve bird populations and their habitats for the benefit of future generations by: ensuring long-term ecological sustainability of all migratory bird populations, increasing socioeconomic benefits derived from birds,...
