Rocket Net User Refresher Training


Target Audience:

 Required course for any Service personnel performing rocket netting operations. For FWS employees, but also available for U.S. Geological Survey employees, interagency partners, and collaborators as scheduling allows. Please contact your FWS Regional Migratory Birds Division or your Regional Safety Manager for class availability.

Summary and Objectives: 

This online training covers the planning and use of explosives to propel rockets and wildlife capture nets to net wildlife. This online course is designed as a refresher on the following items:

  • Service policy for storage, transportation, and handling of explosives, 
  • Service policy for rocket netting, and 
  • Proper methods for setting up rocket net equipment. 

Policy and Safety Requirements for rocket netting. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service rocket net authorization is governed by two Service policies: 

  1. 244 FW 1, Explosives Safety 
  2. 244 FW 3, Rocket Netting 


This Rocket Net refresher course is required every 4 years for maintaining an FWS rocket net authorization. Other items to become an authorized rocket netter include:  

You must be authorized by your Project Leader/supervisor/facility manager to use explosives for rocket netting. Your Project Leader/supervisor/facility manager may authorize you to become a rocket netter if you: 

  • Have current Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and first aid training as required by a recognized certification program such as those sponsored by the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, National Safety Council, etc.; and 
  • Successfully complete and maintain the rocket netting authorization requirements (which includes taking this refresher course) described in Service policy 244 FW 3, Rocket Netting.

For registration questions:

For rocket net questions: 

FWS National Rocket Net Coordinator - TBD

Course Short Name
Course Type
Training Tuition Cost
Training Credit Hours

Questions and Registration

Course Contact


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