Target Audience:
Experienced motorboat operators who have completed the Motorboat Operator Certification Course (MOCC) or approved equivalent.
Summary and Objectives:
The MOICC is targeted toward experienced motorboat operators who have completed the Motorboat Operator Certification Course (MOCC) or approved equivalent. Since the primary objective is to qualify individuals to present MOCC training to other DOI personnel, the course stresses instructional techniques and presentations. After successfully completing the course, attendees are expected to participate in teaching one MOCC per year in coordination with an experienced group of instructors from their Region. MOICC Information:
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Train personnel in instructional techniques and presentations and qualify them to serve as MOCC instructors.
- Review with attendees, the classroom and on-the-water requirements of the MOCC, emphasizing instructional goals and objectives.
- Familiarize attendees with how to safely and efficiently conduct the training.
DOI's MOCC, or equivalent course approved by the Bureau's National Watercraft Safety Lead.
Competencies Addressed:
Education and Training - Intermediate, Technical Competence - Advanced, Vehicle Operation - Advanced, Risk Management - Advanced, Safety - Advanced, Health and Safety Awareness - Intermediate
Questions and Registration
Course Contact

*DOI PIV card holders may use the button above to register for courses directly in DOI Talent. If you are not affiliated with DOI, follow instructions for External, Non-DOI learners to obtain an account. Need help for registration, contact session contact.