FWS Non-Fire Chainsaw Safety Train-the-Trainer Course


TARGET AUDIENCE: Non-Fire Chainsaw operators who have been nominated to attend instructor certification training. SUMMARY AND OBJECTIVES: This training will certify Non-Fire Chainsaw Operators to conduct the FWS Non-Fire Chainsaw Safety Course in accordance with Service Manual Chapter 241 FW 12, ""Chain Saw Safety"". The Non-Fire Chainsaw Safety course provides Service employee with chain saw safety training and ensures they are able to demonstrate proficiency before operating a chain saw. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: * Use instructional techniques and develop class management skills for the conduct of the FWS Non-Fire Chainsaw Safety course. * Conduct classroom and field components of the FWS Non-Fire Chainsaw Safety course, emphasizing instructional goals and objectives. * Safety and efficiently conduct the FWS Non-Fire Chainsaw Safety course.

Course Short Name
Course Type
Training Tuition Cost
36.0 hours
Training Credit Hours
Semester Hours
Course Contact

Questions and Registration

Course Contact


*DOI PIV card holders may use the button above to register for courses directly in DOI Talent. If you are not affiliated with DOI, follow instructions for External, Non-DOI learners to obtain an account. Need help for registration, contact session contact.