Ian MacDonald

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Fish Biologist - Marking and Tagging

1211 SE Cardinal Ct
Suite 100
Vancouver, WA 98683
United States

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About Ian MacDonald

Ian currently works as a Fish Biologist for the CRFWCO’s Marking Program. He operates automated mass marking trailers at Columbia River Gorge hatcheries to adipose fin clip and coded wire tag juvenile hatchery Chinook, Coho, and Steelhead. He also helps to implant PIT-tags into hatchery salmon prior to release. Ian is the CRFWCO Lab Manager.

Program: Marking and Tagging

Current Projects:

1. Implanting PIT-tags and clipping adipose fins of hatchery salmon prior to release

2. Managing mass marking operations at regional NFHs


Ian has previously worked for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Northern Arizona University

At CRFWCO since: 2015

Additional roles
CRFWCO Lab Manager