Craig Faulhaber

Craig Faulhaber
Habitat Branch - South Atlantic Coordinator, Atlantic Coast Joint Venture

1105 SW Williston Rd
Gainesville, FL 32601
United States

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About Craig Faulhaber

Craig joined the ACJV team in January 2023. Craig’s primary activities include working with partners to conserve high priority bird species in the South Atlantic region. Craig will also be assisting partners with USFWS grant programs (e.g., NAWCA and National Coastal Wetlands Conservation grants). Before joining the ACJV, Craig spent 14 years with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, where he worked with partners on conservation actions and policy development for birds and other imperiled species. He received a Master’s degree in Wildlife Science from Texas A&M University and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Wittenberg University.

Additional roles
Regional lead or co-lead on USFWS wetland/habitat grant programs (e.g., NAWCA, NWCGP, GLRI)
Regional co-lead for Eastern Black Rail conservation implementation efforts
Areas of expertise
Avian ecology
Partnership development and coordination
Conservation policy and planning