Bill Carter

Man standing by the river
Fish Biologist

160 Second Avenue
PO Box 270
Kotzebue, AK 99752
United States

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About Bill Carter

Bill talks about his journey across the country; from Florida, to Dutch Harbor, to running sled dogs, and studying fish and wildlife in Selawik National Wildlife Refuge on this episode of My Life, Wildlife. He also talks about his work on the long-term Selawik Sheefish Study on this episode of Fish of the Week!

From The Library

Selawik River Inconnu Age Structure Evaluation and Spawning Population Abundance, Selawik National Wildlife Refuge.pdf

In 2004 a large permafrost thaw slump began emitting substantial volumes of fine sediment into the Selawik River upstream from the Inconnu Stenodus leucichthys spawning area. Following this event, the once clear-flowing river ran turbid for about nine summers before the thaw slump stabilized and...