There are more than 140 miles of sand and graveled roads that are open to bicyclists. Many of the roads have sections with steep hills; so don't worry about a lack of challenging rides. Please note that all nature and walking/hiking trails are closed to bicycles. You won't find this at all limiting. The refuge offers some pristine riding in areas that are seldom visited by the public.
Also note that many of the roads have stretches of deep sand, which can make riding difficult. This is a skill you'll quickly master. Keep your speed up, and shift to a lower gear so you can power through the sand stretches. A mountain bike with wider tires is the preferred bicycle for the earthen road conditions and terrain you'll find at Carolina Sandhills.
The 9-mile Wildlife Drive is a favorite for road cyclists. The road usually has light vehicle traffic and is very challenging with its many hills and saddles. Occasionally during prescribed fire season (Feb-May), stretches of the Wildlife Drive may be closed to all access, including bicycles. Please call ahead to plan your trip accordingly (Refuge Office 843/335-8350).