
The Yreka FWO began producing a semi-annual newsletter as a means to share the successes of our office, the people who make conservation happen, and some of the compelling species we are responsible for managing in the northern part of California. All content is written by our staff of biologists whose passion for their work is evident in their words. Each issue has a theme for the type of species or projects featured, along with a staff profile and species spotlight. Hard copies of most issues are available free of charge, please stop by our office at 1829 S Oregon St, Yreka, CA 96097 (office hours may be limited due to telework status of employees during the Covid-19 pandemic) or call us first at (530) 842-5763.


Klamath Basin Newsletter - Fall 2021

Dive into the first-ever Klamath Basin Newsletter - Fall 2021, featuring articles and photos from our three fish and wildlife offices along the Klamath River, from Klamath Falls OR to Yreka and Arcata CA. Stories show our projects, programs and people along the river way, highlighting our...

Yreka FWO Summer-Fall 2020 Newsletter

Take a buzz through the Summer-Fall 2020 'Pollinator Edition' of our semi-annual newsletter, featuring articles on important native pollinators, habitats, partnerships and projects to help keep them a part of the natural landscape.

Yreka FWO Winter-Spring newsletter 2020

Join our trek led by several of the intrepid 'Reptiles and Amphibians' in this issue published in June 2020. Learn about these unique, secretive and sometimes slippery critters and a variety of projects to conserve them so they may thrive in our ecosystems.

Yreka FWO newsletter- Summer/Fall 2019

In this issue published in the Fall of 2019, we feature  articles on forests and wildfire. Learn how different species and habitats adapt to a changing climate resulting in devastating wildfires and crippling drought throughout northern California and the West.

Yreka FWO Winter/Spring 2019 newsletter

In this issue we focus on our flora with articles on invasive and native plant species, interactions with our Tribal, federal and local partners for conservation efforts.  

Yreka FWO Summer/Fall 2018 newsletter

In our first-ever edition of the Yreka FWO newsletter, we present a selection of short articles on a variety of topics, from restoration to connecting people with nature to  a species spotlight on Siskiyou Mountains salamander.