Our Services

The Warm Springs Fish health Unit houses multiple laboratories which aid in the identification and confirmation of pathogens. 

  • The Parasitology lab allows staff to isolate and identify and assist with the management of  parasites that a present is fish populations.
  • The Bacteriology lab allows the culture, isolation, and identification of bacteria 
  • The Virology lab allows for  the isolation, replications, and proper identification of a viral pathogen from the host though the use of cell culture and species specific cell lines. 
  • The Molecular lab allows for staff to identify pathogens though the analysis of genetic material (RNA and DNA
Adult Grass carp

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service offers a triploid grass carp inspection service for natural resource agencies in the United States and in other countries, to help States and others protect their aquatic habitats. The inspection program is to provide assurance to these agencies, and others...