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Snail darter in hand.
This library includes background information about post-delisting monitoring (PDM) and recent PDM plans released for species in the southeast.
Smal flock of white and grey shorebirds in the water. Photo appears to be taken from a distance
To better protect migratory bird populations and provide more certainty for the regulated public, the Service seeks to address human-caused mortality by providing information on beneficial practices to avoid and minimize the incidental injury and killing of migratory birds. The U.S. Fish and...

Species Status Assessment Report for the Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) - Version 1.2 - December 2020; USFWS

20220601_Ocmulgee skullcap pLp4dpCH.pdf

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Threatened Species Status with a Section 4(d) Rule for Ocmulgee Skullcap and Designation of Critical Habitat


Ocmulgee skullcap; proposed critical habitat plot points