What We Do

Across Florida, we carry out the Service’s mission by:

Conserving imperiled species

  • Supporting and conducting research on the health of Florida habitats.
  • Gathering the best available scientific and commercial data for protected species to perform recovery actions.
  • Working with private landowners to restore, improve and protect fish and wildlife habitat on their lands.
  • Proactively pursuing opportunities to conserve species at-risk of becoming listed as threatened or endangered.
  • Supporting the National Wildlife Refuges preserve healthy habitats for wildlife and opportunities for public recreation.

Helping federal agencies identify and address negative plant, fish, and wildlife impacts from projects they fund or authorize.

  • Consulting with state and federal partners on ways to balance the needs of wildlife with the needs of people.
  • Conducting project reviews and consultations on certain public and private development activities to ensure they do not jeopardize the existence of federally protected species.

Our Services

We offer a handful of services to support plant, fish, and wildlife conservation - especially federal threatened or endangered species. Different services are tailored to different groups and situations, so if you want to proactively support imperiled species conservation on your property or if you wonder how federally-protected plants and animals may factor into your situation, explore the services we offer.

Our Projects and Research

Working with others is at the core of how we operate, and through those partnerships, we develop a number of conservation projects across Florida, from Everglades restoration to conservation at multiple military facilities. Learn more about some of the key efforts we have underway.

Laws and Regulations

Under several federal laws, Congress has directed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to be stewards of our nation's plant, fish, and wildlife resources - particularly animals like birds and fishes that cross state and even international borders; federal threatened and endangered species; and the National Wildlife Refuge system - the system of federal lands dedicated to wildlife conservation. Congress has similarly directed the Fish and Wildlife Service to work with other federal agencies to minimize or eliminate negative impacts to plants, fishes, and wildlife from projects they fund or authorize. Learn more about the laws that direct our work.