Located in Decatur, AL, the refuge attracts thousands of wintering waterfowl each year as well as manages and protects habitat for 12 federally endangered or threatened species.

Facility Closures (updated 3/21/2024)

CLOSED: The gravel road (highlighted) between the I-65 bridges will be closed to all access through October 2024 due to ALDOT's I-65 bridge rehabilitation work.  Eagle Nest Island Road and the White Springs Dike Road will remain open for foot traffic and bicycle traffic to cross under the I-65 bridges.  Please watch for construction traffic on refuge roads.

OPEN: The Visitor Center, The Wildlife Observation Building, the Photography Blinds, Atkeson Cypress Boardwalk, and Visitor Center grounds are open Tuesday-Saturday, 9:00-4:00, March-October.  Please visit the "Location and Contact Information" section of our website for holiday closures and winter operating hours.

Refuge information, maps, hunt permits, and trail guides will be available at the information kiosk outside of the visitor center front gate as well as the Document Library on the bottom of this webpage.  Visitors needing further assistance should call (256) 350-6639, and leave a message, if needed.

Hunt Permits, Refuge Regulations, Maps, Gate Schedules and Guides can be downloaded from https://www.fws.gov/refuge/wheeler/library

Visit Us

Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge is rich in wildlife and recreation opportunities. Thousands of people come to the refuge each year to enjoy solitude, to commune with nature, and to share the joys of wildlife and being outdoors with family and friends. The refuge Visitor Center and Observation Building are located near each other and should be your priority stop when visiting the refuge for the first time.

Location and Contact Information

      Wheeler NWR Complex Seeks Agricultural Producers for Cooperative Agriculture Program

      The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking agricultural producer(s) to farm under a Cooperative Agriculture Agreement(s) on Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge and Key Cave National Wildlife Refuge in Northern Alabama.  Producers may apply to split-cost share on one or more of seven farms totaling approximately 3,325 acres on Wheeler NWR and one farm totaling 235 acres on Key Cave NWR for a period of five years (2025-2029), with the agreement renewed annually.

      To apply, please complete the accompanying application.  The application process is a competitive process, where the applicant's experience, equipment, and capacity will be taken into consideration.  The applicant must address how the criteria will be met outlined in the announcement and identify a specific farm(s) of interest.  Complete applications can be submitted by email to nick_wirwa@fws.gov, by mail or in-person to 2700 Refuge Headquarters Rd, Decatur, AL 35603 by September 20, 2024.

      Public Notice of Opportunity Information Sheet (please read before applying)

      Cooperative Agriculture Agreement Application

      For questions or more information please contact Program Coordinator, Nick Wirwa, at nick_wirwa@fws.gov or by phone 256-353-7243 x46144.

      About Us

      Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1938 as a wintering area for ducks, geese and other migratory birds. Today, the refuge attracts thousands of wintering waterfowl and cranes each year. The refuge is also a winter home to the endangered whooping crane who first arrived in 2004.

      What We Do

      To help plants and wildlife, refuge staff uses a variety of habitat management techniques to maintain, recover, or enhance plant and wildlife values. Refuge staff carefully considers many management techniques and employs them in varying degrees according to the situation.

      Our Species

      Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge was established as a refuge and breeding ground for migratory birds and other wildlife.  A diversity of habitat types provide excellent feeding, resting, and roosting sites for wintering waterfowl and Sandhill Cranes , as well as nesting sites for neotropical migrant birds and many species of resident wildlife.

      Our Library

      Our digital library is a collection of refuge documents and brochures for you to browse.