Survey Protocol for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken

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Survey Protocol for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken

This document identifies survey methods that will produce sound scientific information upon which to inform (along with other relevant information) decisions and actions for the conservation of the lesser prairie-chicken (Typanuchus pallidicinctus, LEPC). Using consistent survey methodology will also allow for greater comparison and analysis of results, and thereby increase our understanding of this species and its habitat requirements.

Survey Protocols for LPC March 2023_Final.pdf208.69 KB208.69 KB
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A male lesser prairie-chicken in the fading sunlight

The lesser prairie-chicken is a species of prairie grouse endemic to the southern and central high plains of the United States, commonly recognized for its feathered tarsi (legs), stout build, ground-dwelling habit, and lek mating behavior. The LEPC is closely related and generally similar in...

FWS Focus
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Endangered and/or Threatened species
FWS and DOI Region(s)