NRCS Programmatic Informal Consultation for the Pacific Islands.pdf

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NRCS Programmatic Informal Consultation for the Pacific Islands.pdf

In accordance with Section 7 Section 7
Section 7 Consultation The Endangered Species Act (ESA) directs all Federal agencies to work to conserve endangered and threatened species and to use their authorities to further the purposes of the Act. Section 7 of the Act, called "Interagency Cooperation," is the mechanism by which Federal agencies ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize, do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.

Learn more about Section 7
of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, this letter documents the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s assessment of select conservation practices by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service applied in the main Hawaiian Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and Guam. This programmatic informal consultation for NRCS’ covered actions (Service file 2021-I-0257) is a stand-alone replacement to all previous versions.

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An ʻakikiki sits on a branch. It is bending over, giving an upside-down look.
Welcome to the Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office! We are part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's ecological services program. Here we work closely with partners to conserve fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats throughout Pacific Islands. The areas we help to protect include the...
Hawaiian hoary bat is an endangered endemic mammal found in the Hawaiian archipelago. Listed as a subspecies of the hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus), this species is distributed across all of the major islands of the Hawaiian archipelago, including Kauai, Oahu, Lanai, Maui, Molokai, and Hawaii. Most...
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Blackburn's Sphinx Moth is Hawaii's largest native insect, with a wing span of up to 5 inches (12 centimeters). Like other sphinx moths, it has long, narrow forewings and a thick, spindle shaped body tapered at both ends. It is grayish brown in color with black bands across the top margins of the...
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A gaggle of Hawaiian geese hanging out in lush green grass

Somewhat similar in appearance to a Canada Goose except only the face, cap, and hindneck are black; and Hawaiian geese have buff-colored cheeks. The front and sides of the neck appear to have black and white stripes. This is caused by diagonal rows of white feathers with black skin showing...

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The Nightingale Reed-warbler is characterized by a horn colored, long and slender bill and overall pale yellowish-buff color (Baker 1951; Pratt et al. 1987). The species is pale yellow-buff below, rufous-brown or grayish olive-brown above, with a pale yellow eyebrow (Baker 1951; Pratt et al. 1987...
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The Mariana Island subspecies of the Common Moorhen resembles other moorhen subspecies found throughout the world. The Mariana Common Moorhen is a slate-black bird about 14 inches (35 centimeters) in length. It has sooty black on the head and neck; dark-bluish slate-gray on the upper back; brownish...
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