North Mississippi Refuges Complex Hunting and Fishing Regulations 2023-2024

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North Mississippi Refuges Complex Hunting and Fishing Regulations 2023-2024
North MS Hunt Regs 2023 - 508.pdf3.63 MB3.63 MB
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An image of a prothonotary warbler perch on the edge of a tree cavity with a worm in its beak.
Established to meet the needs of migratory birds, Dahomey National Wildlife Refuge has the largest bottomland hardwood habitat in Northwest Mississippi.
An image of a shorebird standing in very shallow water.
Coldwater River National Wildlife Refuge is located in northwest Mississippi. The refuge is critically important as a sanctuary for waterfowl and neotropical migratory birds.
An image of a male and female Northern Shoveler feeding in water.
Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge, located in Grenada and Tallahatchie Counties in Mississippi, was established with the main purpose of providing habitat needs for migratory birds, with an emphasis on waterfowl.