Live from the NCTC Eagles' Nest

The first egg at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) eagle cam nest was laid on February 27th, the second egg on March 1st, and the third was laid at 5:30 pm ET on Monday, March 4th! These laying dates are slightly later than in past years, but with 35-38 days of incubation, we hope to see eggs hatching in early April.

The female bald eagle will spend the most time incubating the eggs, but the male will incubate as well. If the pair is successful in keeping the eggs warm and safe from predators, they will hatch. Bald eagle pairs will defend their nests from predators like owls, hawks, mammals, and even other bald eagles.

Make sure to join us for Live from the Eagle's Nest on Thursday, March 7th at 1 PM ET for the latest updates on NCTC's nesting pair of bald eagles.  You can view it on the NCTC livestream or the USFWS YouTube channel.  Host, Randy Robinson will update you on all the latest happenings from the NCTC eagles' nest.

Follow along for updates: Eagle Nest Updates 2024.

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All ages