Environmental Education, Reading and Fun: Community Event Incorporates Them All

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to creating a lasting base of environmental literacy, stewardship, and problem-solving skills for today's youth. One way the service works towards this goal is by participating in community events where environmental education can be promoted. Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery is always excited for opportunities in the community to provide such encounters. 

Marsha Hart, Environmental Education and Outreach Specialist at Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery, attended the local “Read Across Russell County” event held at the Russell County Public Library on March 14, 2024. Wolf Creek NFH, along with other community partners, created an atmosphere where children and youth could have fun while reading and learning about various topics. 

Wolf Creek NFH set up to focus on pollination including topics such as what are pollinators, what is the process of pollination, the importance of pollination, and what can be done to help pollinators. To incorporate reading and fun, participants would spin a large wheel that would land on a question or topic about pollination for them to read aloud, and then answer or discuss the topic. It was wonderful to hear children share what they already know about pollinators, and be eager to learn more! Parents also joined in on the fun, with some telling of flowers they plant that attract pollinators and others telling about enjoying watching butterflies as they move from flower to flower.

The event was a success, with over 450 in attendance. Events like this provide the opportunity for us to join in community partnerships, and engage children and youth in environmental literacy.