Central Information Contact / Hotline

Primary Purpose

A designated person or persons who serve as a single point of contact for inquiries about the decision process, the public participation process, or the project.


General information contacts offer a one-stop approach for reliable information about a process or project. They are well informed and are able to answer questions quickly and accurately. Information contacts work well when a decision or project is large and complicated, a large number of stakeholders are involved, and/or the participation process is extensive. They allow participants to stay informed about both the technical and process aspects of a proposed project or decision.

General information contacts have access to all project background materials as well as a system to document inquiries and information requests.


General information contacts can provide high-quality, consistent information in a timely fashion. They can also track inquiries and information requests.

Time considerations

A central information contact can be identified quickly at the outset of a project or at any time during a project. It can take time to train a new central information contact, whereas someone familiar with the agency, decision process, and stakeholders could step into the role quickly. 

Once a central information contact is identified, responding to information requests could take up a small or substantial amount of that individual's time depending on the number and type of requests.


One person can often serve as the central information contact. Larger, more complex decisions or projects may require multiple information contacts. 


  • Communication equipment to receive, track, and respond to information requests (e.g. dedicated phone line, email address, call log)
  • Informational materials to share (e.g. fact sheets, newsletters, and websites)
To what level(s) on the spectrum does this technique apply?
This technique is good for ...
Sharing information
Audience Size
Many people can be involved
Skill level required to lead
Simple, easy to do