Vicki Finn

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About Vicki Finn

Vicki Finn serves as Conservation Coordinator for the Pacific Region of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She and her team collaboratively work with a variety of partners to advance high priority science and on-the-ground conservation. She is a member of the Service’s National Pollinator Advisory Team, the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ Western Monarch and Native Insect Pollinator Working Group, the Cascades to Coast Landscape Collaborative, and the Service’s Sagebrush Ecosystem Team. Previous positions in the Pacific Region include Chief of Staff, Chief of Aquatic Habitat Conservation, Geographic Assistant Regional Director for Southern California, and Chief of Endangered Species. Vicki has a B.S. in Biology from the College of William and Mary and a M.S. and M.P.A. in Environmental Science and Public Affairs from Indiana University.

Additional roles
WAFWA Western Monarch and Native Insect Pollinator Working Group
North American Pollinator Protection Campaign
Sagebrush BIL Executive Team
Wildlife Conservation Initiative
Cascades to Coast Landscape Collaborative
Regional Representative on Service's History Committee
Areas of expertise
Environmental Policy