John Carlson

Photo of John Carlson
Regional Grassland Conservation Coordinator

Billings, MT 59105
United States

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About John Carlson

John is the Regional Grassland Conservation Coordinator for the US Fish and Wildlife Service Mountain-Prairie Region, based in Billings, MT. He was formerly the Branch Chief for Resources and Sage-Grouse Implementation Lead for Montana/Dakotas Bureau of Land Management in Billings. Other relevant positions he has held include Wildlife Biologist with the BLM in Glasgow, MT and the Zoology Program Manager at the Montana Natural Heritage Program in Helena, MT.  Additional irrelevant positions include bread store worker, tour guide, fence builder, and snow shoveler at an Antarctic base. John obtained his BA in zoology from the University of Montana and MS in zoology and physiology from the University of Wyoming. He was born and raised in northeastern Montana and has had a strong interest in wildlife, specifically birds, for as long as he can remember. 

Areas of expertise
Grassland conservation, Grassland birds, Partnerships, Research