Arthur Sanchez Jr.

Arthur Sanchez Jr
Permits Branch - Pathways Student

300 Westgate Center Drive
Hadley, MA 01035
United States

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About Arthur Sanchez Jr.

Arthur earned his BS in wildlife biology from Cal Poly Humboldt. Prior to entering graduate school, Arthur worked as a field technician on various projects throught the US, including breeding ecology studies, diurnal raptor and owl migration, and passerine migration. Arthur received his master’s from the University of Delaware where his research focused on assessing tidal marsh sparrow productivity and developing, testing, and identifying an informative and time-efficient sampling method for the declining saltmarsh sparrow population. Now, Arthur is a PhD student at UMass Amherst and a Pathways Fellow in the permitting branch.

Areas of expertise
Tidal marsh ecology
Saltmarsh sparrow ecology
Avian ecology
Population monitoring
Bird banding